After Church

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After church every Sunday we have one the most emotional driven decision to make what to eat. Yes everyone is get hangry my family is living proof that there is different types of hangry people. My dad gets really impatient and high maintenance guy. We suggest McDonald's but my dad on the other hand says I want real food. Then my mom just want some food and wants to snap your neck. Then my sister Kamaria is the combination of both parents sadly and also will just lay down somewhere possibly pass out. Then there's me I don't want to be around any human and lay down and pass out. Finally we choose Coops BBQ but of course they want to get sweet potato pie I don't like sweet potato pie. When dad left the car to go get the food Kamaria kept talking about how much she loves sweet potato pie "What about apple pie?" Of course I had to throw it in there I already know how this will turn out."Apple pie no it's all about the sweet potato pie." Kamaria announced basically I just rolled my eyes and said whatever. Then I scrunched up my face and said I don't like sweet potato pie. Everyone paused and gasped like I just announced that I'm pregnant. "It's just so foreign to hear a black person to not like sweet potato pie." My mom added. "Get this car." Kamaria said as if she was in shock. "If you say you don't like sweet potato pie again you are excluded from your race." My mom said, I started laughing because if you only saw my Pinterest you would think I was a white girl who likes Asians. "Well I listen to country music.." I commented and listen to rock, classical, k-pop, and j-pop which I kept in my wonderful mixed up mind. They already know like classical but not everything else which we keep on the down low. Well my dad finally came back and we went home and ate the food in the family room and watched football I don't care about football and it never cared about me so we are even. Well average Sunday and I'm not ready for the week #notready #doitanyway

Thanks for reading you are awesome. Look both ways before crossing the street. Watch for creepers for some reason they always have candy weird right I'm like I'm trying to stay healthy Ikr. Well keep reading!!!😆

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