Its That Time of the Month

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⚠️If you are not woman enough to handle references to female hormones I suggest you get over yourself . You've been warned⚠️

Ughh school.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm sometimes I really hate my alarm. I thought about hitting the snooze button, but I already did that thirty minutes ago.

I guess I should get up now when I stood up I felt weird and dizzy. Then my stomach felt like it just turned upside down. What the heck is going on?

Oh crap no it can't be!

That one thought can ruin my whole day I hope I'm wrong.

I ran to the bathroom and that's when I saw the red monster came to visit and had mosh pit in me.

Took care and cleaned up the mess the monster left and continued my morning routine. I will not let this monster get the best of me.

I thought about sweats for today since I didn't feel like being cute today. Even though on Saturday I had my cute Tuesday outfit ready.

I will wear my cute outfit even if I don't feel cute at the moment. Luckily the pants doesn't require a belt.
Math Mental Abuse To Humans. It felt like it, it's so boring and of course math decided to lag on for extra fifty years.

Come on its first period the morning don't you understand math teacher no one is interested. Unfortunately I had to pay attention because it was a new lesson and it wasn't like I could draw and not pay attention that would be nice and think about my OCs(original character)

My new partners don't even talk or don't talk to each other. It's annoying because at our seats previously we were squad goals. It was so fun and we all made jokes and laughed at the teacher whenever he writes or small things he does.

The freedom alarm went off (the bell) yes finally math is over. I didn't feel like smiling or talking about Arrow or Flash to my math teacher well at least I have study hall today.

When I stood up I saw a wet spot on my chair. My heart sank what does it mean does it mean the monster is being glitchy. I smudged it off with my hand and rushed out of there.

I walked through the halls trying to take in the fresh air and relax before going to class. Then someone started playing Here Alessia Cara. Yeah she is right What am I doing here?

Time for study hall of course my friend is at a pod across from me aww she's a loner. The guy that sits in front her is cute though he's in my Freshman intro class the funny thing is he looks a lot like my OC and I never seen him until this year. And I made  my OC a year ago.

Weird right.

This boy that sits next to me is my current acquaintance he only talks about himself and he is very messed up. He watches a video of extreme car crashes in Russia.


I really don't want to deal with him today.

When it was time to get on the computers I've realized it went through my pants.

Dog gone it!! Why today why today. Can I stay a child a little longer! Please! I'm begging you!

By the time nutrition break came I got a pizza and cookie and looked for a female security guard to show me where the nurse office is.

I got lost after she gave directions and I had ask a senior to help me get there.

I was standing five feet away from the door.

I walked in and there was a girl in front of me with the same situation but not as dramatic. 

When I was next I couldn't pronounce my words I couldn't even look at her face.

Man I'm embarrassed. 

She gave me the product and I went into the little bathroom I felt like crying.

Why I have no idea why stupid hormones why?!?

I finally was able to leave early my sister took me to McDonald's I got the pancakes you can tell they defrost their food.

I couldn't go in the family room and eat in there because my sisters are babysitting and they are going to start throwing tantrums when they see my food.

I watched Attack on Titan Junior High without headphones it was worth missing school.

I slept most of the time and I realized I like some episodes of Parks and Recreation the show.

Ate some quesadillas.

Periods is a broken leaking bottle rolling through boulevard of broken dreams. (I understood that reference)

Thanks for reading🤓😁 eat three meals a day and drink 8 cups of water use the crosswalk I will update more!!

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