Hack time

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How to control your RBF
Let's be honest we all have RBF (resting female dog face) it just happens. We don't know what we look like when you are just sitting at school or in public by yourself and your face relaxes. And then all of a sudden twenty different people ask, are you okay? How are you feeling? Is something wrong? You look like you about to fight someone.

Yes it's annoying but some of us have RDF (resting depression face) 
So controlling it is very simple.

Smile more with your teeth. People naturally look better if they show their teeth.

Be aware of what you look like.

Try to have more positive and funny thoughts running through your head.

Look in the mirror and find a face that makes you look not grumpy or depressed a satisfied look.

But don't force it the you would look like a creeper.

Sorry for not posting school is no joke! More is coming don't you worry and EAT three meals a day. You need breakfast I don't care if you don't have time make some it's that simple. Plus Lunch and Dinner is needed for the brain to function and you won't be as tired. Eat!

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