Chapter 2: A Meeting

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About a month before Samhain, Ian and I are walking along the north wall of the school when a ball of energy hits me in the middle of my back. I spin around, and summon a fireball.  Just by the western staircase stands a girl with translucent white hair and all the features of a wood fey.  I let the ball dissipate and hold my arms out for a hug.

"Cassandra, you're here!" I exclaim as she barrels into me. A laugh escapes me, and she joins in, it's so good to see her again.  Once, I would rather have fed her to a starving wyvern, but a few millennia together have really changed my mind about my adoptive sister.

Ian stands back and looks at me; did I mention that he's adorable when he's confused? I let Cassandra go and make quick introductions. "Ian, Cassandra. Cassandra, Ian." They shake hands formally and then she squeals and hugs me again.

"By Morgana's heart I missed you!" she says when she lets go. Cassandra, being my adoptive sister, grew up with me. We were trained together, in magic and in weaponry, so the bond of injuries was strong. The customary vines of her kind wound up her arms and I could see the glow of her happiness through her clothes.  There was definitely something going on with her, but I didn't pry, she would tell me when she was ready.

"So to what do I owe the pleasure of your company after a century of silence?" I ask jokingly. Ian is walking behind us as Cassy has wound her arm in mine. "Your mother wishes for your company at Samhain, and she was going to send the ever cheerful Declan, but I volunteered in his stead." I laugh at the face she pulls when saying her brother's name. "She also invites any of your new school friends to come along to Etherea, if they so wish." She looks suggestively at Ian, and then back at me.

He looks as if he's pained in the glance I get before he glares at the ocean. Cassy and I continue our conversation while he very obviously sighs every few minutes. I tell Cassy to go to the east staircase and turn to face him, taking in his standoffish posture and the emotions flaring in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"  I ask, taking his hand and putting it in my own. He looks at me and stays silent, so I force my way into his mind. I'm scared...I think she knows...will she be mad if I tell her... the thoughts jumble together and I start to feel as if I'm being dragged through syrup. I look up at him and let go of his hand. "What do you need to tell me? Why are you so scared?" I look at him questioningly. He looks so sad as he speaks, "Hades came to me in a dream last night, he called me his son. He –"

"Oh, Ian, I know he's your dad. And if you want, I can tell you who your mother is" I say, letting go and brushing a strand of hair behind my hair, the wind was messing around with my already unruly curls. Sighing, I look away, unsure of where to start.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he looks hurt. I take his hand in mine again, this more for comfort than anything else; he hates it when people hug him.  And I do not blame him one bit, Cassy is probably one of five people I allow to hug me.

"I wasn't sure, at first, and when you made that statue explode I knew. I – I just wanted for you to be a little bit normal for a little while longer before I told you." I hope he registers the concern plastered on my face; I don't want him to think I hid it from him with my own intent; I was on orders from the High Council.

"I've never been normal," he growls. "My parents abandoned me, I don't know why, but I sure as hell won't forgive them." He slams his fist onto the parapet and I struggle not to drag his pain into my body, I sigh and start talking. "Your mother is Hecate, the First Mage; your father has already claimed you. They never agreed on anything, so it was a big surprise for the High Council when we found out about you a year ago."

"So what does this mean?" he asks me. "Will I be killed?" He looks so worried and lost; I just want to hug him until he can't breathe, and then some.

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