Alpha and Me

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Tatums POV 1

I awoke to sun light streaming through my balcony doors. I groaned, there was no way it was morning already. I rolled myself over to see the time on the clock to come face to chest.

"Ha! Morning to you to baby." My mate Phoenix said.

"No! What time is it" I complained snuggling farther into his tan muscular chest.

"10" he laughed running his finger tips through my hair.

"No" I complained again.

Phoenix laughed and leant down to kiss my forehead before moving to get up. I grabbed his arms quickly pulling him back down.

"Can we please stay in bed all day?" I asked pouting my bottom lip out.

"I have work baby, as much as I would love to stay in bed all day with you I cant." He told me kissing the tip of my nose.

My eyebrows furrowed and I pouted alittle bit more.

"Baby, stop pouting." He laughed getting up and walking to the bathroom.

I couldn't help but watch him walk away. My mate was good looking. He was tall at about 6'1, he had big muscular arms that loved to hold me whenever they had the chance to. He had black spiked hair, and emerald green eyes. His wolf was black and dark grey. His wolf was mostly serious but was playful with me, he also loved to nip and pull at my one black ear.

When I was 3 years old my pack was attacked by the Wes Mount Pack. They are the 3rd biggest pack in the US. The strongest is the South Mount Pack, then theirs our pack the Nor Mount Pack, than the Wes Mount, and finally the East Mount Pack. Those are the four strongest packs, but there are 10 packs total in the US. Anyway, the Wes Mount Pack attacked my old pack, the Moons Pack. They killed my parents, and my baby brother. They destroyed my entire pack. Why am I still alive you may ask? Well by that time Phoenix had already found me.

See Phoenix is the Alpha of the Nor Mount Pack, so Brian, Phoenix's father and former Alpha, wanted to find his mate as soon as possible. So they went on a tour of all the packs and that's how they found me. I was 3 and Phoenix was 7. You may think it's weird that we are fours years apart, now I'm 16 and he's 20 but age doesn't matter to mates. If your mates your mates. So anyway, back to the story of my pack getting attacked. I would spend weekends with Phoenix on his land, because once you find your mate its impossible to be away from them for long, so I was at Phoenix's the night of the attack. Two days later when his parents and him were going to drop me off that's when we found my pack.

I don't remember much except for running out of the car and towards my house, or what was left of it. I tried to get inside but Phoenix had picked me up and was holding me. Holding me so I wouldn't see what remained of my house and family. Of course you can guess what happened after that, Phoenix family took me in and broke all treaties they had with the Wes Mount Pack.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Phoenix jumped back on the bed in his gym shorts. He was laying his head on my stomach and had his arms wrapped around my waist. Out of habit I started running my fingers through his hair.

"How long are you going to be today" I asked after a couple minutes of silence.

"I shouldn't be too long, I just have to call Xavier and make some changes to the border runs, and that's about all. I should be home around 4." He answered absentmindedly playing with my fingers.

"So what should I do all day" I asked.

I hated when he left all day, but normally he doesn't get home till around 7 or 8. So today isn't that bad. But I still get bored and it's even worse because he has guards following me. Jaxon, my guard, isn't bad he is actually my best friend here, he's Phoenix's third in command. But it just gets annoying having him follow me everywhere. But I suppose I would get lonely without him always being around.

"Jaxon will be here soon, and I'm sure he will have plenty of things for you guys to do." He said growling lowly.

"Oh shut up." I rolled my eyes

"I really wish you would allow me to have Sophia be your guard." He hated leaving me alone with an unmated male all day everyday.

"No! She so boring!" I complain.

"She's not that bad."

"Your right, she worse than that bad!" I laugh.

"So why do you have to call Xavier? Everything is okay with you guys right?" I ask.

Xavier is the Alpha of the South Mount Pack. He is one of Phoenix's oldest friends. Actually I remember him being here one weekend when I came to visit. Xavier is very strict about how he runs his pack, much like Phoenix is but I calm him down. Xavier is a 21 year old unmated Alpha so he's that much more strict because he doesn't have his mate to calm him down. I hope he finds her soon, I would want to become good friends with her. We could compare notes on how to piss off our mates.

"He just wants to go over some issues that have been arising."

I know when he said issues he meant The Wes Mount Pack. He never really likes to bring it up and hates when people bring them up around me. It's been 13 years but it's still a touchy subject for me.

"Everything okay?" I ask

"Yes I believe so, but if it's not I'll make it okay" he said before getting up and kissing me.

"I'll see you later baby, Jaxon just got here. Be good! I love you" he said before walking out off our bedroom.

I sighed and got up, and went to take a shower

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