Chapter 10

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Phoenix's POV

"I think we should inform the Guarder Pack of the Wes Mount Pack. I know South Mount has ties with Wes Mount so we can't call Alpha Vincent." I explained to Xavier. 

"I agree, good! Now that we got that out of the way, what was up early with Tatum?" He ask me. 

"Nothing was up with Tatum." 

"Phoenix we have been friends for a long time, I know when your lying." He frown.

In all the years I have known Xavier we have only ever had a few heart to heart conversations. One was when I found Tatum, and the other was when his parents died.

"I don't know she is just...." I can't find the words to describe Tatum. 

"Perfect? Because she challenges you? Because she the one person made to stand up to you and you can't stand it?" He questioned. 

"I don't know, she just so tiny, an innocent she is naive and I just can't..." I trail off 

"Can't what?" He ask 

"I can't tell her things that will turn bad, I can't tell her things I know will end with death, I can't tell her these things because every time I'm not holding her I'm thinking of the look on her face when she saw her parents and brother. I flash black to the months she cried herself to sleep in my arms, the entire month she went not talking to anyone but me. I can't make her live through that again." I finish 

"But by making that choice for her your pushing her away."  

"I know maybe I should go talk to he..." I didn't get to finish before Samson was storming into my office. 

"Alpha!" He looked panicked  

"Yes!" I ask trying to stay calm 

"It's Tatum, she's not in her room like she said, she not anywhere on the territory either we've checked, twice." He finished out of breathe. 

"Where the yell were you! You were suppose to be watching her!" I yelled 

"She was just so upset and I could tell she was tired, when she said she was going up to your room I figure she was going to go to sleep." He defended 

"Phoenix, get on the phone and call Jared, she couldn't have gone to far and he's the closes pack." Xavier said calmly, "I'll go run another border patrol to try and pick up her scent." Samson said.

After calling Jared and finding out that's where Tatum was I was beyond furious. She ran to another man! An unmated Alpha! Xavier, Felix, Bryan, Jaxon, and I where now at the edge of our territory waiting for Jared.

"I swear if he touched he!" I kept saying over and over again. 

"Phoenix calm down, it's not going to help anything when they arrive." Xavier said 

"Well this isn't your mate who ran away to another male!" I snapped 

"Your right it isn't, I don't know what you feel but I can't assure you, that how you are acting right now will only keep her away."

We here a car approaching. Soon a black SUV pull into view. When it comes to a stop I see Alpha Jared, another male, and my baby step out. It took everything in me not to run and pull her into my arms.

"Alphas? I didn't know Alpha Xavier would be joining us?" Jared questioned. 

"He was visiting my territory and wanted to see Tatum back safely." I explained. 

"Very well." He said and look at Tatum 

"Anytime, you know where to find me." He smiled at her and gave her a hug."

I growled loudly making him smile and Tatum flinch back. 

"Baby, come here" I ordered 

She looked at me not taking a step away from Jared. 

"Tatum! Baby come here!" I tried again. 

This time she walks over onto our territory. I pull her into my arms and inhale her scent. It immediately calms me.

She pushes my chest, "I'll be in the car." She says walking away from me, she hugs Xavier and avoids eye contact with Felix and Jaxon. 

"Thanks for everything Jare." She says smiling and jumping into the back seat of the car.

"Felix, Jaxon, take Tatum home. Ill be there soon." I ordered.

I wait for the car to be out of sight before turning to look at Jared. 

"Stay away! Or I will kill you!" I threaten. 

"Phoenix" Xavier yells. 

"Jared, we would like you set up a meeting with you, we would like your help with a growing problem." Xavier ask calmly 

"Absolutely, on whose territory.?" He ask 

"Mine I suppose it's the closes for both of you." I offer reluctantly.  

"Very well, how about next week?" Jared ask 

"Perfect" Xavier says in his serious tone.

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