Chapter 7 Part 1

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I laid on my bed as I waited for Brandon to text me our plans for tonight. Shit if he won't text me in 5 minutes I'll be hitting this bed and pillow like no tomorrow.

Speaking of the devil the nigga himself texted me.

-Brandy <3: Come over. Bring a overnight bag and a bathing suit.

-Me: Alright I'll be over there in 20

-Brandy <3: Aight.

I packed bras, panties, jean shorts, and tank tops with some sneakers with my bathing suit.

I grabbed my charger and headphones before locking up my condo.

I walked down to his door and did our secret knock no one knew. Of course he answered without a shirt being the nasty guy that he is.

''You ain't waste no time did you?'' He said while letting me in.

''Shut up before I walk back to my place.'' I said while flicking his bottom lip.

''Yeah yeah go sit down till I get dressed.'' He said.


This girl really don't know what I got planed. Shit I don't even know why I'm doing this.

I like the fact that she independent, and work for her own shit.

I'm not the one to spoil a female. I'm only use to it being me. So having Lexy by my side is surprising.

I been hearing the streets talk, and females mad as hell. Niggas all over the world mad at me too.

Alexis got me sprung as hell. She just don't need to know that though.

''Hurry Brandon I'm tired.'' I heard her yell.

''You can sleep in the car damn girl chill.'' I said while grabbing my Louie duffle bag and her MCM bag.

''Where are we going Brandon.'' She said sternly.

''Hold up I know I'm the only nigga in here. Drop the base in your voice and attitude you got before I leave you here.'' I said.

She gave me the middle finger and sat quietly.

''It's a surprise. Our own road trip. The snacks and drinks already in the car. I got you a travel blanket to wit' yo baby ass.'' I said while shaking my head.

''Awe Brandyy thank you.'' She said while pecking my cheeks a couple of times.

I only shook my head as I locked the door and we started walking to the elevator.

I put our bags in the trunk and got her situated.

''You ready to ride?'' I asked her with a smirk.

''Ain't I always.'' She giggled.


We made our final stop and it felt like years since I was able to get out of this car.

''Where are we anyways?'' I asked Brandon as I got out the car to stretch.

''Miami where all the hoes are.'' He said as we walked in the hotel.

''Hoes gonna cause you to have some ashy knees and blue balls keep playing.'' I said.

We got to our room took a shower and changed into our bathing suits to head to the beach.

''Brandyyy.'' I sung in his ear as we set up our area on the sand.

''Girl chill with all that bullshit right there. Don't be saying Brandy in public. Do you want your new name to be Lexington?'' He said.

I shook my head no and turned my head from him and crossed my arms.

Brandon grabbed my chin and kissed my lips.


Me and Brandon talked and played in the sand.

''You know Lex the shit we got going on is new to me. I don't date, nor have I ever been in a relationship.'' He explained.

I nodded. ''I understand that. I'm not rushing you to date me or anything. I just don't want to be here for the mean time and when you are ready to be with won't be me.'' I whispered the last part.

''Trust it will be you.'' He said. I nodded and stood up.

''Take my picture this is one memory I have to keep.'' I said.

He chuckled. He took what seemed like millions of pictures and posted them on his Twitter and Instagram and tagged me.

-#WCE Look at bae with her beautiful ass

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