Chapter 13

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Benz and I waited to  make this drop on the Southside with Franco to see if he was capable of doing business with us.

We waited in my 2013 G63 and saw his car pull up. We got out of the car and met up at the back door to the warehouse.

''You ready?'' I dapped Franco.

''Yeah I been ready.'' He said.

Benz nodded his head and knocked on the door.

''Who is it?'' The door cracked open.


The guy nodded and opened the door for us. We walked in and scanned the place to set an eye on our surroundings.

''Ah G my dude how are you?'' The Polish guy smiled from the top of the stairs.

I nodded my head. ''Can we get down to business.'' Benz requested.

Gary (Polish Guy) came down the steps and guys with guns came out of hidden places.

''Sit.'' Gary pointed towards the seats.

''So you have the 20 kilos tak?'' He asked. (Translation: yes)

Benz nodded and put the duffle bag on the table.

''And I see you've brought a friend?'' Gary asked.

''Don't worry about all of that where's our money.'' I said.

''Calm down. Paul bring the money.'' Gary commanded.

A big buff guy came and sat the suitcase in front of me. I opened it and quickly scanned the money.

I nodded and stood up. Franco and Benz stood up and we were about to walk when I pulled out my gun and started to shoot.

Franco and Benz quickly did the same as we started for the door. I shot Gary in the arm and shot guys that started to run towards the door.

Benz shot to get through the door as Franco kept shooting as we made our way to the door.

I felt something wet on my stomach just to see blood. I looked at Franco as he started the car.

''Benz bruh I got hit.'' I said while laying in the back seat.

''Fuck'' He said in frustration.

My vision started to go in and out. ''Yo bro stay awake for real man come on.''

I closed my eyes and started to see black.

''Franco man hurry up we gotta get him to the hospital.'' I heard Benz say.

''Tell Alexis I love her.....and I'm sorry.'' I blacked out fully.


Nia and I was waiting for Benz and Brandon to come home when he cell phone rung.

''Hello?'' she said.

She just stared at me as tears fell out her eyes.

''What's wrong?'' I mouthed.

She didn't say anything, but she just started shaking uncontrollably. Then she hung up.

''What's wrong Nia?'' I rubbed her shoulder.

''It's Brandon.'' She cried.

''Umm what about him Nia your scaring me.'' I said scared.

''He's dead.'' 

To Be Continued!

Always KnewDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora