Chapter 24

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(A/N: I'm ending this book today the next chapter will be the last, but the sequel will be up tonight. Just know it's lit and ya gonna like the sequel even more the drama is gonna get real!!!)


I called Brandon over to talk because I've been avoiding him. Not only that I realized I've been playing with Brandon and Devin's feelings.

I like Devin, but I didn't know what I was thinking. He's a really good guy, but I'm not ready to move on.

I will forever and always love Brandon he's the father of our son. The man that made me experience love so quick I didn't know what to do with myself. 

Hearing the doorbell I got up.

''Hey.'' I said calmly.

He nodded his head and made his way inside.


''So what's up it's been 30 minutes and you haven't said nothing yet.'' He exclaimed.

I took a breath.

''I've been seeing someone.'' I said lowly.

He nodded.

''And you couldn't have told me this shit sooner. I've been on your case about our relationship and you been on some other shit what the fuck Alexis!" He screamed.

I sobbed as he paced the the living room floor.

''Did you fuck that nigga?'' He stopped and asked.

I shook my head no.

''No Brandon I wouldn't do that to you. Plus I'm pregnant what do I look like fucking someone who isn't the father of my child.'' I said.

He stayed quiet.

''So I guess we done right?'' He looked at me in the eyes.

''No I want to be with you. As I thought about everything I love you and I can't have anyone take your place.'' I explained.

''How do I know that you won't leave me for him?'' He asked.

''You should know I would never betray you in that way.'' I said.

He sat next to me.

''I love you and I won't let nobody take you away from me.'' He said.


7 Months Later

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7 Months Later

''Come on David baby crawl like mommy wants you to.'' I cheered.

Every since that day me and Brandon has worked on our relationship.

We've moved to Florida and moved into a nice two story home.

I had David Elijah Kpor at 10 pm. That little boy weighed 8 pounds and 12 ounces.

Seeing Brandon cry was the sweetest thing alive. And now Brandon spoils the hell out of baby David.

David has grown so fast it felt like yesterday when I had my little chunk monster.

Brandon came from his office and watched as me and David played on the floor.


''Come on little dude eat up we don't want ya mom yelling.'' Brandon said as he fed David.

The baby smiled and blew bubbles.

''Don't feed my son with lies, corrupting my innocent baby.'' I laughed.

We  sat down and ate dinner and watched baby David eat and throw his food.


I laid on the nice cotton  furnished California king bed.

Brandon walked in with his shirt off and pants to change into sweat pants after putting David to bed.

I licked my lips and looked away and put my attention back on the tv.

''I see you looking at me like you want this fine chocolate .'' He said while rubbing his bare chest.

''Nigga bye you lost your mind.'' I laughed.

''Don't let the word daddy fool you cause you know I lay it down, up and side to side.'' He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and went back to watching the tv.

''We came a long way man. I never expected to be with a woman that make me happy.'' He said.

I kissed his lips slowly.

''The feeling is mutual. You made me the happiest woman in the world.'' I said while shedding a tear.

He grabbed me and laid us both down and went to sleep.


Waking up at midnight I see Brandon gone. Which is usual considering he spends the day with us and the night at his trap.

Knowing he'll be safe I laid back down and went to sleep.


Waking up I smelled breakfast and looked around for Brandon.

Putting my robe on I walked down stairs to the kitchen and seen David giggling in his high chair as Brandon was cooking and singing.

I tip toed to David's high chair and kissed his puffy cheeks.

He put his chubby hands on my face and blew spit.

I walked behind Brandon and kissed his neck.

''Morning my family.'' I said sweetly.

''Say good morning mama.'' Brandon said as he placed pancakes on a plate.

David hummed the best way he could and smiled.

My little family 


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