Chapter 9

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I woke up took a quick shower and put some gym shorts and a tank on and went to Brandon's place.

Today is his 23 birthday and I was gonna spoil my boo. He deserves it and plus Benz told me he never really celebrated his birthday.

I walked in his place and went into his room with his gift bags.

I started jumping on his bed like a mad woman.

''Wake up Brandy it's your birthday.'' I shouted.

He looked at me like I just killed his best friend.

''Girl get the hell off my bed.'' He said.

''I'm sorry baby, but we are on a schedule today. And you have to open your gifts this morning.'' I said.

''Can we just chill today I really don't like all of this extra stuff.'' He pleaded.

''Nope come on and open your gifts.'' I said with a smile.

He opened the Louis Vuitton bag and pulled out a couple of belts, and a book bag.

''Awe shit girl you ain't have to do that now.'' He said while studying the items.

''I wanted to Brandon.'' I said back.

''A nigga blessed to have you in his life for real for real.'' He said while getting up to kiss me.

I smiled. ''Okay I have to get going, but I'll pick you up for lunch. Then we'll go out to dinner later.'' I said.

He nodded. ''Alright babe and thanks for everything.'' He said.

''No problem.'' I said while walking out the bedroom.

I texted Nia so we can pick up our bundles and go to our nail appointment.


Me and Nia sat down getting our nails done.

We laughed and made fun of the pictures on our Instagram.

''Girl I'm surprised Brandon even settled down.'' Nia said.

I laughed. ''Why?''

''Brandon never dated anyone. He barely liked dealing with the females he did fuck with.'' She said.

I nodded. ''Really because I see him as a ladies man a little bit.'' I joked.

''No he is the opposite. He doesn't trust too easily either.''

I sat there and took all the information in.


I put on my clothes and put on one of the new belts Alexis bought me.

Shawty know how to treat a man and that's why she mine.

I'm ready to take that step. I know she'll ride for me when needed.

The doorbell rung surprisingly.

Benz walked in with a bag too.

''Wassup nigga you finally 23 how do it feel?'' He asked.

''The day just getting started, but it feel good B. You gotta see the crazy shit Lexis bought me.'' I said.

He nodded. I went in my room and grabbed the Louie bag.

''Oh shit she done splurged on a nigga huh?'' Benz asked.

''Hell yeah some Louie belts and a Louie bag.'' I said.

''That's whats up G.'' He smiled.

''What we got planned for the day.'' I said.

''Well we gotta get yo big head ass a hair cut for later.'' He said.

''Nigga shut up.'' I said.

''Whatever, but here birthday boy.'' He said while handing me the bag.

It had a bottle of Hennessy, 7 stacks of cash, and a Rolex watch.

''Why must y'all people surprise me like this?'' I said with fake tears in my eyes.

''Nigga you alright?'' Benz asked.

I nodded. ''Thanks bro for real.''

He nodded. ''Let's be out then.''


My nails and toes was down and I had to check to see if Benz had Brandon out of his place.

Me: Did y'all leave yet?

Benz: Yeah we left.  We on our way to the barber

Me: Okay good. Me and Nia on our way to his place to drop off his outfit for tonight.

Benz: Cool. I'll keep him distracted.

Me: Okay drop him off at Chipotle at 1.

Benz: I gotchu 


I quickly sat his whole outfit out along with this jesus piece I bought for him.

Nia sat the rest of his jewelry on his bed.

''Okay so they gonna meet us at Chipotle. I'm gonna take Brandon out for lunch. Then me and you will meet back up at 3 for our hair appointment and make up. We'll get ready and head over to the club.'' I said while reading my to do list on my phone.

''Alright boo let's go.'' Nia said.


''How are you enjoying your day so far?'' I asked.

''Shit is chill you spoiling a nigga too. I appreciate that though.'' Brandon said while rubbing my hand.

I blushed. ''Your welcome.''

I played with my food as we sat in Le Morel'.

''Look at me Lexy.'' Brandon said while lifting my head up.

I smiled shyly. ''Yes?''

''You make a nigga smile. Something nobody able to do. You made me realize that I need you. You made me happy these past couple of months and let's not forget you be laying it down in the bedroom.'' He joked.

''Shut up Brandon.'' I laughed.

He chuckled. ''But what I'm trying to say is. Will you be my girl?''

I smiled. ''Yes.''

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