Fool's Gold P:2

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What Do You Mean? A Cliche Love Story; Chapter 6, P:2

Levi's P.O.V

I don't know who invited Noah, I surely didn't. And i surely didn't want him over my house while Raevyn was here. But here he was laughing and lost in a deep conversation with Raevyn. I sat in our living room with Luke my mostly quiet, book nerd best friend who was honestly one of my closest friends besides Noah.

"Why are you clinching your fists?" Luke asks sitting next to me while flicking through his phone. I look down at my hands and sure enough of, they were scrunched up in a punching position.

"I dunno." I reply while glancing at a laughing Raevyn.

"I do." He then utters,"you like her, don't you?"

"What! N-no wh-yy would you think that? " I stutter shocked at his accusation.

He looks up from his phone, finally looking at me. He smirks before saying; "Because I know you Levi Delrosario. And i definitely know when someone falls for chocolate."
A month later

School next week was unnerving. My bad boy persona was starting to shift. My hard interior was being disrupted. And i was scared to say the least. I was scared because Raevyn the new girl. The black girl, the chubby girl was changing me.

Since the revelation between me and Luke. I realized that I sorta did like Raevyn. Sorta. Of course these actions are something, I would never actually act upon. At least not now.

"Levi!" My head snapped to action as Mrs.Phil calls out my name. Desperately trying to gain the attention, I will never give in this boring a** class.

"Yes Ms.Phil?" I question.

"What do you think Harper Lee was trying to explain? When Book Radley stitched up Jem's pants, what lesson was taught?"

"I don't know." I sigh.

She peers at me for the longest. "Class your assignment for this week is to figure out, what Harper Lee was explaining about character."

The class groans. See everyone read To Kill A Mockingbird their freshman year but Ms.Phil encouraged everyone their junior year to reread the art of older books. And plus it was easier to review topics that were already enforced earlier in school.

"For this assignment you will be partnered with the person to the left of you." I inwardly groan. I didn't mean glance or even peer to my left because I knew who was beside me. It was Raevyn. I was trying to avoid her. But I suppose that is impossible now.

"The assignment is due and written up by Friday of next week and you will be giving a presentation on the first part of the book. Meaning you must read up to Chapter 12."

And before the class can uselessly complain the bell rings. I get up placing my cold hands into my pocket. "Hey Levi." Her milky voice never fails to bring goosebumps down my arms.

I smirk. "Hey peaches."

She tenses, "Why do you continue to call me that?"

"Why don't you ever correct me?" I retort.

"Anyway do you want to meet up to do the project?"

"Oh your my partner? Ok Yeah I guess we could." I look at everything besides her short curvy figure.

She rocks on the balls of her feet. "Okay then I'll see you around." I say before she can utter anything else. And then I'm out the door.

"So are you going to tell her that you like her?" Luke asks me. We were sitting in the library. I had showed up an hour earlier to clear my head. And Luke joined me, really to pester me about Raevyn.

"No." I reply.

"It's been a month you know."

"Yeah, I know."
He sighs. Luke was always the one to act upon his feelings. Where as I preferred to wait to act.

"Levi if y-"

"She'll be here soon so I'll go wait by the front." I get up and walk towards the front of the library. Raevyn was sitting in a chair. She was wearing a blue v-neck and black baggy pants.

She was laughing at a girl beside her who was making berserk facial expressions.

As I take a seat the girl eyes me. I nod towards her.

"Stony Black." She announces.

"Levi Delrosario."

She looked to be asian,yet black, but I wasn't so sure. Her thick hair was past her shoulders. But there was no trace of an accent.

"Raevyn I'll text you later."

Hours later we were still in the library. I was silently working while Raevyn talked about her recent events. With the occasional bringing up of Noah she rambled on and on.

"Raevyn." She looks at me.

"Do you always talk so much?" I ask.

She laughs and it warmed my heart because she's never actually laughed with me. "No I guess it's just around you." She sighs

"Really? Do i make you nervous Raevyn?" I ask darkly.

"Yeah?" She replies in a question like tone.

"Do I scare you,Utsukushidesu?" I ask.


I lean in, coming so close to her that her nose is next to mine.

"Would you be scared If I told you i wanted to kiss you right know?" I ask as I feel her light breaths tickle my lip.

"No." She replies. My lips brushed hers and for a second I feel her relax at my touch. Her skin felt so smooth.

"So can I kiss you?" I ask.

She nods. As I close the distance between us, I feel as if this is wrong. After all she is black and I'm asian. I press my lips together. And just when I'm about to kiss those perfect lips, I move back.

"I would've taken you up on that, but it's past your bedtime." I say smirking at her confused yet agitated face.

"You're right." Her tiny voice echoes.
That night I couldn't get her out of my head, my mind and it was driving me crazy. I guess you could say, I was falling for chocolate.

1009 words.
That's a lot lol anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I need to know the days yall want me to update. Either Friday, Saturday or whenever. Saturdays will have longer chapters and whenever and Friday will be shorter.

Let me know in the comments area, please vote and share! Love yall
God bless

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