One Step Closer To Something

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A/N at the end

What Do You Mean? A Cliche Love Story; Chapter 9

"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"- Neil Armstrong

Raevyn's P.O.V

I can't believe he asked me out in front of everybody! I didn't even know Noah liked me. Besides his constant flirting, a person can never know how you feel unless you tell them. And now everyone knows. I just feel amazing and all warm and cozy inside. To know that someone has feelings towards you, can change your outlook on everything.

I held a unchangeable smile, while walking to seventh period. I still couldn't believe that my day was actually good for once. Besides often relieving glares from other females, I was really happy. I walked in and sat down waiting for the rest of the people who lacked enthusiasm, to come in. The bell rung, causing the last bit of the delinquents to file in. I waited for Levi to stalk into the classroom late, but he doesn't. My eyes barely move away from the wall next to the door. I waited for his tall frame, to cross the wooden doorway but sadly he never comes in.

I was shocked to not see him in school for the rest of the day. But I'm not sure if I was telling the truth,my heart sorta ached. It was madly beating like it would fall out my chest and that feeling stayed there for no apparent reason.
Walking down the halls to my locker was something else. The fact that it was too quiet caught me off guard. The halls even after school were always buzzing with gossip. That was like a routine around here. Gossip nonstop. It was annoying at times because all you heard was, 'omg did you see Levi last night?' Or 'I wish I could eat his lips off his face.' It was as if God blessed them with the gift of randomness. I mean who says they want to eat someone's lips? Exactly.

As I take out my books that were kept in my locker because i was too pazy to carry them, I hear footsteps approach me. I look up to see a girl that I didn't know. She had brown hair that flowed to her shoulders and the brightest greyish auburn eyes that looked ghostly.

"Hi." She states, scaring me. Her voice was high pitched and scarred my soul. My heart didn't jump, but rather leaped out of my chest from the fright she just bestowed upon me.

I give her a forced smile.
"Hello." I close my locker and step away from her. See in scary movies the white people are the 'slow' ones. On countless videos and movies, they all display the stupidity they give the Caucasian actors to act upon. Unknowingly they are just showing people what not to do, in those situations. They wait for something to happen and when it does, its too late. I on the other hand, have sense and right now it's telling me to get out of here.

"You're Raevyn, right?" Her lips, slightly chapped moved slower then her voice. It looked like the movies that still needed to be translated for English listeners.

"No I'm not, but you can have a nice day." I turn on my heels about to break out. I mean who approaches someone after school in a dimly lit hallway? Unless you were a murderer no one did that.

"You aren't going to homecoming with Levi are you?" She asks, her voice echoing from the distance I've put between us.

"No." I yell without looking back, afterall when you do, your life gets taken and i actually wanted to live.

I ring the doorbell for the thousandth time. It was quite chilly outside and i forgot my coat while running to the bus earlier. The entre finally opens reveling his statuesque structure to me. His hair was disheveled and was slightly covering his golden skin. He looks at me with those gorgeous cinnamon eyes.

"Why didn't you tell me, you weren't going to seventh period?" I ask, while looking behind my back. I was a little paranoid from earlier today.

"It's called being sick. What do you want?" He asks, harshly.

I scrunch my eyebrows up. Why was he being mean?

I push him aside allowing myself to enter his warm home.
"Your moms not here? " I ask.

"She's at work." He replies. He sits on the couch, lazily. His appearance showed fatigue, and weariness.

"Are you really sick?" I question wondering if he was fibing.

"Sorta. I'm just not feeling well."
His voice is groggy, it sounds as if he just woke up.

"Did I wake you?" I ask, afraid that I disturbed his peace.

"Yes. You can leave now." His tone came off as being rude. I was honestly hurt by it. I mean I came all the way here to check on you and you wanna act shady? No. That's not how it works.

"No I cannot. I'm going to make you something to eat, since you aren't feeling well."

I walk into his kitchen where I dispose of my beige jacket. I walk over to the cabinets and grab a pot. And soon after grab some beans and corn meal. I let the beans cook on medium while I create the yellow substance also known as cornbread. While placing the cornbread in the oven I wash my hands and wait. I fish through my pocket looking for my phone, to find that it wasn't there.

I walk out the kitchen towards the living area. "Levi have you seen-"

"Your phone? Yeah I have it." I stand there with my palm outstretched to receive my device. But he withholds it.

"Levi, come on."

"What's the magic word?" He asks.

I sigh. "Please."

He smirks while placing it in my hand. I sit down on the couch. I snatch the remote out his hand and go through the channels. My heart almost stops when I stumbled upon Empire. I squeal in delight while starting to watch the show. It wasn't even 3 minutes into it, when I felt his cinnamon eyes on me.

His mouth is tilted up in a pleasing smile.

"What?" I ask. I was already missing some of the show. And I eagerly wanted to get back to it. His eyes were still on me and I was growing hot under his gaze.

"You look so adorable." I was surprised by his comment. Not because he said it completely sincere. But because I just wasn't expecting it. I turn towards the TV again, trying to hide my smile.

He called me adorable, that was one step towards friendship. And another leap towards something else.

Please check out @jakeysaw works and @kidrauljustperfect
If you would like me to shout your book pm me.

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