Not Today. (P1)

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A/n at the end.

What Do You Mean? A Cliche Love Story; Chapter 16

12 years ago.....

"Raevyn!" A little girl runs down the stairs her little legs gliding her to her mother's voice.

"Yes mama?" She asks.

"I need to ask you somethin'." She pats the seat next to her. Raevyn sits down next to her. She puts her arm around her shoulder.

She was silent for a few minutes, before she took a deep breath. "Baby what do you think about me and your father having a baby?" She asks the child beside her.

"Do you mean, I get another brother?" She asks, definitely interested.

"What about a sister?" She asks. Her eyes bulge out of her head.

"I would love that!" She shrieked.

"I need to ask some else." She says.

"Yes ma." The young girl asks. She was really tired and pre-school was tomorrow, so she wanted to drift off to sleep as soon as possible.

"What If I didn't have her? Would that be okay?" She questions.

"Like adoption?"

"Yeah." Her mother replies nodding.

She thought about it. Her mama not having the baby like she had Raevyn and Quincy, well it was ok to her.

"That's OK. As long as she's my sister." She answered. Her mother rubs her hand and smiles.

"Quinton, bring her in." She says. Raevyn looks up as her dad walks in. He was holding a bunch of blankets in his hand, that held her sister inside.

He bends on one knee. "Raevyn, meet your baby sister Zacora Abigail  Conner."

Raevyn's P.O.V


"Oh my God! Did you see Ezra? His suit is so retro. Ahhh and Bruce his mysterious demeanor always loveable. Don't forget Aquaman, his eyes! Wonderwomen looks amazing as always." I shriek with happiness.

"Yes, baby girl I saw it. I promise when I come back from Puerto Rico I will take you to see it." His baritone voice rumbles across the line.

But it comes out in 2017. So he meant to say, I won't see you til next year.

"Alright, Dad. I know your busy, I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hang up the phone. And toss myself unto my bed. My comic stripped bed felt amazing. With winter finals slowly approaching I could only get the bare minimum, 7 hour, amount of sleep. Even though September had just started, I needed to be prepared. The school year started early, in August late July. A time, I wasn't accustomed to. Back in the suburbs we started mid August, I was able to enjoy the summer without thinking of school but here in Charleston everything was diffrent.

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