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Luke: What you said earlier got me thinking.

Luke: Fandoms!

Violet: How does that relate to anything I said?

Luke: Fandoms are like big families that all like the same band/singer. They help each other.

Violet: Well I guess so.

Luke: Everyone is so messed up that music brights people together. Even if you are completely different, music helps people get better.

Violet: No matter how small someone's "problem" is, it's still a problem and is still important and stilled needs to be helped.

Luke: So many people now a days are depressed and it's sad to see that many people my age like that.

Violet: And there's you're problem. You care about everything and everyone. That's a good problem thought. Most people have bad problems. Tell you're mom I said Hii by the way. I have to go.

Violet: Night Night, Sleep tight, dream of music tonight. Good night Lucas. I'll talk to you in the morning.

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