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Luke: We should play 20 questions.

Violet: But... Fine.

Luke: I will ask first then you so we go back and forth.

Luke: Favorite color?

Violet: Black or Navy Blue.

Violet: Favorite band?

Luke: Blink-182

Luke: What color are you're socks?

Violet: Ones Black and the others Blue.

Violet: Do you really like Sheelbe?

Luke: No

Luke: Have you had a boyfriend scene we haven't talked?

Violet: No

Violet: Why didn't you like her?

Luke: I don't know?

Luke: Why didn't you have a boyfriend?

Violet: There wasn't time.

Violet: Did you ever say I Love You to her?

Luke: Yes

Violet: Did you meat it?

Luke: I'm not answering that.

Violet: Luke, it's just a question.

Luke: Yes.

Violet: Oh.

Luke: Yah.

Violet: Well can we continue this some other time? I have to get to work.

Luke: ok sure

Luke: Bye.

Luke: I'll talk to you later.

Luke: Have a good day at work.

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