Chapter 2

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Sophia's POV

Ava, Chloe, and I gathered in the secrecy of the school restroom.

"Are you sure no one is in here?"I asked looking under and in the stalls

"Positive Sophia it's the end of the school day. Everyone has gone home or is at some sort of tutoring or audition." Ava said setting her book bag on the restroom counter

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked

"I'm...I'm."I said not able to get out the words

"You're what?"Ava asked impatient

"I'm late!"I blurted out getting frustrated

"How late?" Chloe asked

"14 days or you could say 2 weeks." I said running my fingers through my hair "I've never ever been more than a day or two late on a period."

"Oh my gosh Sophia."Ava said surprised

"Please come with me to get a test. My parents won't be home until late tonight and my brother is trying out for football and has some study group afterwards." I said hoping they would come with me

"My mom was gonna pick me up, but I'll just tell her I'm going shopping with you. You can give me a ride home right?" Chloe asked

"Sure, Ava?" I asked

"Yeah I'm coming, I'll just drive behind you. I drove to school today." Ava said as we left the bathroom walking to the parking lot

We drove to Walmart and went to the "Feminine product" aisle.

""I literally thought these would be a dollar, not twenty."I said grabbing the most expensive, which I assumed would be the most accurate.

"Well if you are pregnant, diapers would cost you that much for only a pack of twenty." Chloe said

"Chloe!"Ava said bumping her shoulder "She might just be late,because of stress."

We went to self check out and payed twenty dollars for something that would change my life. Ava,Chloe, and I went to my house. We immediately ran to my room and closed the door.

"Thought you said no one was home?" Ava asked sitting on the couch in my room

"No one is, but the maid. Just for safety measures."I said opening the box "Results in 60 seconds. 60 seconds that can change my life forever. Wish me luck girls."

I went into the bathroom and took the tests. When I was finished I went back into my room and put the tests on the dresser. I walked away a paced back and forth.

"Are you nervous?"Ava asked watching the test

"Terrified."I said still pacing "Did it change?"

"Sophia. It changed." Chloe said

I walked over to the test and all 3 of them read "Pregnant 4+"

"Oh my fucking gosh. No I can't be. I can't be a mom." I said going to cry sitting on the couch of my bed

"Sophia. I think you are, all 3 test came back positive and said you were over four weeks. You need to see a doctor." Ava said

"If I see a doctor I have to tell my parents and If I do that I'm going to be dead. I'm suppose to be going to Stanford and being a dentist. Not being a mother at 17 with the boy next door after a one night stand! My life isn't suppose to work out life this."I said in frustration

"This might be your best mistake, so you need to get some doctors so you and your baby can be healthy." Chloe said

"I'm not ready." I said crying "He was in there with another girl last night. If he can't commit to me why would we commit to a child?"

"Aww Sophia." Ava said comforting me

"My parents are going to kill me. I'm not telling them."I said wiping my eyes

"Your baby is gonna grow. Eventually it's gonna tell its self." Chloe said sitting down next to me

"I want it out of me! I want an abortion. Take me to Planned Parenthood."I said getting up

"Sorry, but I refuse to kill an innocent life Sophia. I'm gonna go home, call me later?" Ava said getting up

"Yeah Soph. I'm gonna catch a ride with Chloe ok? Call or text us later. Love ya." With that they left my room.

I screamed in frustration and walked over to the test. I saw the "Pregnant 4+" staring back at me. I shoved the test in my drawers of clothes. Looking out the window I saw Cameron in his room watching tv. One night can change everything. I fell on my bed and yelled in frustration.

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