Chapter 11

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Sophia's POV

"You care."I said as I laid in Cameron's bed with him. It was around 12pm we just had woken up and my parents were coming over any minute to talk about "it". I'd stayed the night over at Cameron's to avoid stress with my parents. Nothing happened at all, we just slept.

"What do you mean?"He asked slightly confused

"You haven't talked to me in a month, but everything you did yesterday proved you do care. Maybe not or maybe a lot. What have you been up to?" I asked

"Work Sophia. I got a job at Target a few days after I found out and told my parents."He said lowly

"Cameron, I think I'm gonna have to get another job. I'm only making 250 dollars a week and a crib cost more than that. He or She's daycare tuition is gonna be almost $2,000 dollars a month. I-it's all so much."I said

"2,000 fucking dollars. Hella that's like paying private school tuition before she can even walk or talk."He said

"She?"I asked curiously "Does Cameron want a little girl?"

"Cameron and Sophia! Come downstairs."Cameron's mom yelled

"I'll answer that in 7 weeks."Cameron said getting off of the bed

"Just don't be super disappointed if it's not what you wanted."I said going down the stairs to see my parents on the couch looking very prim and proper

"Sorry didn't realize we were suppose to dress up."I said looking down at my sweats

"It's fine come sit down. Lots to discuss." My mom said motioning to sit down

Cameron and I sat down on the love seat. Then my mom threw an envelope to me from Stanford.

"Have you opened it?"I asked holding it in my hands

"No."My parents both said

I raised my eyebrows then opened the letter "Dear Sophia, I take great pleasure in offering you admission to Stanford's freshmen class next year. Congratulations!" I read not even bothering to read the rest

"Congrats!"Everyone said excluding Cameron

"You're going to an ivy?"He asked

"It's not an ivy, but pretty close."I said putting the letter back on the coffee table

"Now does your son have plans for college or is her just getting every innocent girl pregnant?"My dad asked

"Dad."I yelled "You're no saint either. Just, because you know what never mind cause everyone knows what you said was wrong"

"Actually I got a full ride to UCLA by playing football. I'm majoring in Medicine. Gonna be a pediatrician sir."He said quite proudly then my jaw dropped

"You didn't tell me?"I said surprised "Damn Cam."

"Language Sophia."My mom said rolling her eyes

"Haven't heard you say that since 11 weeks ago or a little bit further than that."He said into my ear which made me laugh at his dirty joke

"Wait how do you two plan to raise a kid when one will be in Stanford,CA and Los Angles,CA?"Cameron's dad asked

"They can't be that far."I said pulling out my phone to calculate the time "Only 5 hours and 18 minutes" My voice defending

"Great. I can just go to Berkley or something."Cameron said

"No you aren't. You're gonna go to UCLA, they want you. Otherwise, they wouldn't have offered you a full ride and a spot on the football team." I said wanting him to stay there

"We can't raise a child 5 hours apart. How will you explain that to him or her?"He asked

"You can take him or her on weekend and I have he or she weekdays."I said trying to think of a plan

"I'll have games on weekends though."He said

"He or she won't be staying there weekdays."I said defensively

"Why not? He or she is as much as my child as it is yours."Cameron said getting frustrated

"What will you do with the baby during the week, while you're in class?"Cameron's dad asked

"I've found a daycare in Stanford. He or she goes while I'm in class and I'll pick he or she up right after." I said thinking about the plan "Won't Cameron have practices during the week? Not to mention classes and homework."

"You're not suppose to be going against me. This isn't damn custody rights battle." Cameron said

"Okay calm down."My mom said "Peyton Andrews is much like Sophia. A mother at a young age and going to Stanford. Why can't Sophia and Peyton live together off campus in whatever little apartment or condo they can find? Sophia has the baby during the week and you drive down to Los Angeles every weekend. Baby sees daddy and watches daddy play football. Not to mention breaks and such."

"That's probably the smartest thing you've said in the past few weeks." I said looking at Cameron

"If you get sick of it or need a break. Baby stays here with it's grandparents." Cameron's mom said

"I don't think that will happen, can't get sick of he or she." Cameron said with a slight smile

"Okay where is baby staying until you move to California?" My mom asked

"We still have 29 weeks to think about this type of thing. Lets not rush so fast when I don't even look pregnant, I just look like I ate two dozen boxes of doughnuts." I said standing up

"Where are you going?"Cameron asked

"Sign up for weekend shifts at work. Oh wait I don't have a car. When will be my car get fixed cause I need that thing so bad?"I asked

"Um your car got totalled."Cameron said

"What?"I said surprised "This can't be happening. So I have to save up for a car?"

"No no sweetie. Insurance is gave us money back. We can go pick out a new one,yeah? Right now if you want to. That compact car would be no good with a baby either." My dad said

"Um okay. Bye Taylor's,see you soon? Cameron I'll see you, actually I'll call you later."I said walking out the door and walking to my lawn getting in my mom's Range Rover.

My parents got in and started driving to the car dealership

"Um where's Jackson?"I asked

"At a friend's he's still a little shaken up." My mom said in the passengers seat

"How he didn't get a car accident?"I asked confused

"Chill Soph. He's been through a lot." My dad said driving

Yeah cause he's totally is going to be a parent at 17.

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