Chapter 3

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Sophia's POV

I sat in my room on the computer researching for the remainder of the day. How to tell my parents, research on how far along I was, financing. I'd already applied early admission to Stanford, not for early motherhood.

"Sophia!"My mom said knocking on my door. Frantically I closed out everything about pregnancy and open Stanford's website.

"Yeah mom come in!"I said trying to look as naturally as possible

"I bought you some midol for that bloating. I'll bring you some dinner up in a second, looking at Stanford again?" She said setting the midol on my desk

"I already applied early then send out letters in a month."I said facing her with a fake smile

"I'm sure you'll get in. You have a great gpa."My mom said looking at her phone

"Whatcha looking at?" I asked

"You know Mr. and Mrs.Andrews a block over?"She asked looking down at her phone

"Yeah, why?"I asked

"Their daughter Peyton who's a student at Stanford now is pregnant now."My mom said rolling her eyes

"What year? How old is she?"I asked thinking about myself

"She's a freshman, she went to California over summer and a little into the school year to see what it was all about. Went to a party then came back 5 months pregnant. I blame the parents. I know that won't happen to my sweet Sophia cause she's smarter than that, right?"My mom said

I gave a fake smile "Right."

"I think it's ridiculous how young girls are getting pregnant these days when they can barley support themselves. It's crazy, but maybe they do it for that stupid tv show."

"Mmmhmm,maybe." I said uncomfortably

"I'm gonna go get your dinner from downstairs."My mom left leaving my door open and I could smell chicken. That instantly made me throw up. I ran into the bathroom in my room and threw up in the toilet. I flushed the toilet and wiped my mouth.

"Soph? I'm setting your dinner on your desk." My mom said

"That's fine mom when Chloe and Ava were over we ate. I'm not hungry." I said through the closed bathroom door

"Ok I'll put it in the kitchen if you get hungry later."My mom said as she exited my room and closed the door

I sighed and brushed my teeth. I exited the bathroom and went to the dresser pulling out the test. I let out a groan and stuffed them back in.

"Why me?"I asked to myself laying down on my bed as I pulled out my phone. I walked back into the bathroom and closed the door. Going through my contacts I clicked "Avaaa." and called her.

"Sophia?"She said

"Yeah it's me can you put Chloe on too?"I asked

"Sure give me a minute."She said

Within a few minutes she had Chloe on the line

"Hey Sophia."Chloe said

"What's wrong?" Ava said

"Fuck it's like my mom is on to me. Do you know Peyton Anderson? We went to her pool party last year. She lives a block over from me." I asked

"Blonde hair? Green eyes? She was a cheerleader?" Ava asked

"Did she date Evan O'Connor?" Chloe asked

"Yeah, but she doesn't anymore. Scratch that actually I don't know." I said

"What about her?" Ava asked curiously

"She's a freshman at Stanford and she came back five months pregnant." I said nervously

"Did she drop out?" Chloe said surprised

"No she went to tell her parents, she still goes their. My mom was saying how it's crazy how girls are getting pregnant so young. She doesn't think her sweet Sophia will do that." I said rolling my eyes

"Bit too late huh?" Ava said with a laugh

"I'm responsible for a life for the next 18 years or more. By the way I'm not getting an abortion. After some research, I couldn't live with that guilt." I said sighing as a sat on the bathtub

"Good." Chloe said

"When are you telling your parents?"Ava asked

"When I'm 9 months."I said

"You're joking. You need vitamins and stuff." Chloe said

"You know what you should do?" Ava said

"What?"I asked

"You should totally go talk to Peyton. You're both going through the same thing basically." Ava said

"Oh my gosh! Yes Ava I agree."Chloe said

"Ok I'll get her number tomorrow. I'll see you guys tomorrow. I still have some research to do. Night guys."I said hanging up

I walked back in my room and put my phone on my nightstand. I looked out the window to see Cameron staring back at me. I gave him a small smile, when he picked up his phone. Then my phone rang.

"Hello?" I said

"I saw you throw up." Cameron said

"Are you stalking me?" I said rolling my eyes

"No my desk is facing your room and I'm doing homework." He said looking at me through the window

"Nothing to worry about, it was just the smell of the chicken. My mom isn't a good cook." I said sitting down on my bed

"That's a lie, your mom can cook." Cameron said

"How would you know?"I asked surprised

"She invited our family over for dinner 3 years ago remember?" Cameron said

I had a flashback to freshman year and Cameron just moved next door. My mom invited him over to welcome him and his family to the neighborhood.

"Yes Cameron, I remember."I said sighing

"Why are you lying?" He questioned me

"Good night Cameron."I said hanging up and walking over to the window to see Cameron pissed. I shrugged my shoulders and closed my blinds. I went over to my bed and went to sleep

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