Chapter 22

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To start off, sorry for not updating for a bit. I had the worst case of writers block and I still have it. Best of luck it passes over. Anyways the chapter might be shitty because of writers block. Sorry, but like I said this isn't the only book of her story and not my original intentions for the story line. Speaking of that I plan to wrap it up within the next few chapter then I'll start the next book unless you think I should continue it on here. So start new book or continue on here? Please tell me! Thanks.

Sophia's POV//35 weeks

"Are your eyes still closed?"I asked covering Cameron's eyes as we walked into the nursery

"This is the third time you've asked and yes."He said reassuring me

I walked him into the nursery kicking the door closed behind me. "Ok don't get super touchy and overreact." I said

"I wouldn't treat my baby mama like that."He said with a smirk

"Please never say that again."I said rolling me eyes "Ok open."

Cameron looked around the room in amazement "Woah. You're mom did really good."

"I organized the closet."I said opening up the closet doors reveling the closet full of pastel pinks,purples, blues, yellows.

"Good job babe"He said kissing my cheek

"The hospital bag is in my room just incase."I said standing proudly

"OK you need to sit. The doctor said you shouldn't stand for long periods of time." Cameron said helping me over to the rocking chair

"Thanks mother."I said rolling my eyes

Cameron sat on the floor next to me "They told me to take care of you while they were out of town for a day."

"I'm almost eighteen, they can chill out. I'm a big girl now."I said brushing my fingers through his hair

"You're also thirty five weeks pregnant and can pop anytime now." He said smiling at me

"You do know I'm basically in the safe zone now. If they are to be born there would be no serious life threatening life complications."I said reassuring him "I need to go get something out my room."

I stood up from the rocker letting go of Cameron's hand walking towards the my room. Just before I reached the door with an "S" on the handle, I felt a gush of uncontrollable pee just come. Except it wasn't pee, my water broke.

"Cameron!"I yelled somewhat scared "My water broke."

He came running out the nursery "Oh shit! What do we do?"

"Get the hospital bag. I'm going to change, put the hospital bag in the car. I'll call my parents on the way and yours."I said waddling to my room "Overall just stay calm"

"I can't stay calm when my kids are on the way!" He said grabbing the bag as I got a new pair of leggings and underwear

Cameron darted down the stairs as I began to change. I looked around my room to make sure I had everything. I grabbed another little bag that my mom gave me the day before. After closing my room door I attempted to make my way down the stairs. Then Cameron grabbed my hand and helped me as the other hand tightly gripped the rail.

Cameron helped me in the seat of my car as I handed him the keys "What about your car?"I asked turning around to make sure the carseats were back there

"Your car is already ready and you always call it your mom car."He said driving as I gripped onto my stress ball. I got my phone and began to dial my mom's number

"Mom don't freakout, but my water broke. We're going to the hospital now."I said as contraction came making my through my phone down into the cup holder

The first contraction was painful and was something that I never experienced "Cameron tell her that I just got my first contraction and It lasted about twenty eight seconds." I said as I tried to breathe

Cameron repeated the information into my phone "She said take deep breaths and they're driving now. Oh she also told me she hope you didn't forget the bag."

"I didn't."I said holding on to my stomach "Keep your eyes on the road. My body was literally made for this I'll be fine."

"Your mom said they'll be here by 3am. Then she hung up."Cameron said gently placing the phone back into the cup holder.

This was one of the last moments I would be pregnant and it was crazy to think about. But I was more than ready to meet my girls.

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