Chapter 13

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Sophia's POV

"How may Ultrasounds have you had done?"My obstetrician asked

"Uh maybe like 4."I said thinking about all the appointments

"How has no one seen this?"She said looking at the ultrasound machine

"What is something wrong with the baby?"I asked getting panicky

"More like babies."The doctor said

"What?"My mom said putting down her magazine

"Looks like baby B was hiding behind Baby A. Congrats and they're identical. This is also your second trimester."She said taking pictures with the ultrasound device

"Wow." I said surprised "How many more weeks until I can find out the gender?"

"I'm gonna say 16 weeks sound good? 3 weeks from now." My doctor said

"That's great, thanks so much."I said wiping my stomach off

"Any questions?" The doctor asked

"Should we expect her to go on bedrest? Her graduation is near the time of her due date." My mom asked

"We can see as she gets bigger. You have my number so if you need anything call. Have a great day."She said leaving the room

"So double the trouble, double the grins, everything is more fun with twins?"My mom said with a smile

"It's crazy."I said pulling down my shirt "Do twins run in our family?"

"You wanna find out the gender now?"She asked getting off the topic

"I'm not sure. I have 5 weeks to think."I said grabbing my things

"Come on lets go to Target we can go look at a few things." My mom said grabbing her keys

We walked to my mom's car and drove to target in silence.

"Do you think Cameron will be surprised?"I asked looking over at my mom

"Just as surprised as you were."My mom said still driving

"I don't think I am as surpassed as I am scared. I'm working 6 days a week and I'm pregnant at 17 with not one baby, but two. Every time I go in a public place people look at me like I'm not even a person. All everyone else just sees me as a statistic.I'm suppose to provide for two other people, when I'm not even an adult." I said frustrated just thinking about it

"You wouldn't have gotten this situation if you weren't strong enough to deal with it." My mom said almost happy

"We don't have to go to target at least not now. I just wanna go home and I need to study for a calculus quiz tomorrow. Plus I have to tell Cameron he's not having one kid, but two." I said leaning my head against the window

"Ok,ok."She said turning the car around towards the direction of our house

"Maybe you're right. Maybe I should give them up, I can't handle this." I said quietly

My mom stayed silent like she heard nothing. I know she did cause the slight smile she had went down. I kept wondering if that's what she didn't want anymore. We pulled up to my house, I walked across the yard to Cameron's house while my mom went inside our house. Then I knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Sophia!"Cameron's mom said

"Hi Ms.Taylor, is Cam home?"I asked

"Yeah he's in his room. You know where it is." She said welcoming me in

"Thanks."I said before going up the stairs

I opened the door to see Cameron in his bed on his computer

"Hey."He said putting down the computer "Didn't know you were coming."

"Yeah,"I said sitting on the edge of the bed "How was Cali?"

"Good. Campus is big and football team seems good. How was Stanford?"He asked

"I ran into the guy who pushed us off the boat when we were 8."I said smiling

"Oh, I forgot about that. Did you find a house?" He asked sitting up a bit

"Townhouse. Four bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. Pretty big in a really good area."I said looking down at my fingers

"Woah you got huge."He said scooting next to me

"That's what I wanted to talk about I'm pregnant," I said stopping

"No shit."He said with a wink

"With identical twins."I said looking at him "I just found out today and I'm in my second trimester."

"Oh my gosh. You're kidding right?"He said looking up at me

"No here are the pictures."I said pulling the pictures I got from my ultrasound today out of my back pocket "You can keep them I got two copies."

"So we're either having identical twin boys or identical twin girls?"He said looking at the pictures

"At 17." I said quietly back

"I turn 18 next week, you turn 18 in two months." He said "It's gonna work out

"I don' want to see any of my family for Thanksgiving. I don't think my mom has even told them. I don't know if I can do this." I said shaking my head

"Do what?"He asked looking at me instead of the pictures

"Be a mother. I can't be a mother to two kids at 17 or 18. My biggest problem right now should be what I'm wearing to prom, not how I'm gonna provide for two kids." I said getting teary eyed

"You're right you can't do this, but we can. You're already in Stanford, you're taking college classes already. The baby, I mean babies are gonna be what? A couple months old by the time we go to California. We're gonna make this work." Cameron said wrapping his arms around me

"What if we can't provide for them? We're gonna need two of everything, double the price."I said taking in the comfort of Cameron's arms

"We're both working, I have a full ride, so whatever money my parents put aside for my college education can be used on them." He said calmly

"They love you." I said lowly

"I love the three of you too."He said with a smile

"It's only 2 babies."I said with a small laugh

"I know, I mean't you too." He said surprising me

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