Chapter 19

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Sophia's POV

3 weeks later. Cameron had finally gotten back in the groove of things. He wasn't fully back into football, but he was back at work. The only thing he could practice for the next month was throws and kicks. No tackling or too much direct contact or trauma. Fizzy and Izzy were nicely developing and had no complications, which is what every mother wants to hear. I'd been working my ass off at school, because I was not going to be a teen mother who didn't finish school. No one really thinks I'll finish high school, not to even mention college. I'd just worked my ass off knowing it would pay off in the end.

I sat in math finishing my test that I reviewed for super hard. I got up to turn my test in slipping it into the bin as I got called to the office. I looked at my teacher who smiled at me and nodded a signal that it was fine for me to leave. I grabbed a hall pass and made my way to the office.

"Miss.Miller?" The guidance councilor said

"Yes?"I asked turning towards her

"Congratulations! You're Salt Lake High's valedictorian!"She said handing me a packet

I felt a wave of excitement and a big smile come over me "Thank you so much."

"No problem, you need to write a speech for graduation in a few weeks."She said with a smile

"Oh okay, I'll start working on it."I said turning to leave

"Sophia if it's too much for you and your um situation just let me know and you won't have to do it."She said having almost no faith in me

"No it won't be a problem. I can do it."I said reassuring her.

My family and I were all gathered around the table for our family dinner. My mom made a fantastic meal which was meatless lasagna.

"I have something to tell everyone." I said putting down my fork

"Your pregnant?"Jackson said sarcastically

I rolled my eyes "I'm valedictorian for my class."

"Oh my gosh! Sophia this is amazing!"My mom said surprised

"We're so proud of you baby girl." My dad said with a smile

"I think we picked out permeant baby names."I said with a smile

"What? Twin one and Twin two?"Jackson said laughing at his own joke

"You're so funny. Hahaha."I said getting aggravated

"Don't mind him, what's the names?"My mom asked

"Felicity Camryn Taylor and she took Cameron's first name as her middle name. Isabella Dylan Taylor and she took Jackson's middle name."I said happy "We're gonna call the Fizzy & Izzy."

"Those are really pretty I'm happy you're getting serious about this. How's work?" My mom asked

"Fine I just don't know if I want to spend my money doing a nursery here or in Cali. Do I want to do co sleeping or for them to have two separate cribs? It's just a lot right now. I have a graduation speech to start on, so can I be excused?" I said calmly

"Sure, but take the rest of your dinner up with you?"My dad said

"You already multiply my portions 3 times versus everyone else."I said picking up the plate heading for the stairs

I sat the plate down on the desk and dialed Cameron's number

"Hey."He said with noise in the background

"At work?" I asked confused

"Yeah, sorry if it's loud."He said apologizing

"I'm valedictorian,Cam."I said excited

"Oh my gosh Soph! I'm really proud of you, I'll get you a gift not anything big we need to save money for the girls. I got to go. Tell the girls I said hi."He said before hanging up

I really did love everything Cameron did for me I really did, but one thing that wouldn't leave my mind is what we were. We did some couple things, but we didn't really claim each other like that. I did like him, but were we just friends or something more.

Then my phone buzzed

Cam-you & me out to eat Saturday night,5pm,be ready

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