Chapter 21

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The picture is Sophia's kids nursery at her parent's house, not the one in California.

Sophia's POV

"So the decorators are finishing the nursery at home today." My mom said as we drove to the doctors appointment

"Finally it's been weeks. I hope you aren't going too over the top." I said as she parked the car

She gave me a side eye "I can't promise anything."

"Mom,I told you not too much."I said unbuckling my seatbelt

She rolled her eyes as we walked into the doctors office. They called my name and I went to the back like always.

"You're currently 29 weeks along. Baby B is still breeched if she stays that way we're looking at a c-section. No signs of bedrest is needed or anything. Try to take it easy, but not too easy." The doctor said taking pictures

"Is there anything I can do to make her not breeched?"I asked thinking if I sounded stupid

"I can give you a book on some stretches and exercise. Theres not much you can do since it's two babies and space is limited."She said grabbing a pamphlet "Have you thought about names?"

I took the pamphlet she gave me "Yes actually."I said wiping my stomach off

"Aww, those are so cute. At this point I would recommend getting a hospital bag ready. You know clothes, bottles, carseats."The doctor said washing her hands

"Okay that's something else we can do today."My mom said taking the list of the recommended checklist

"Okay see you guys in two weeks."The doctor said leaving the room

"Well wanna go to the baby store?" My mom asked grabbing her purse

I nodded my head "Not like we have much choice."

On the way to the store, it suddenly hit me that I wouldn't be pregnant much longer. I would soon be responsible for two lives, not including mine. I also realized prom was out of question and I would have twins by graduation.

"Okay Sophia are you doing matching carseats?"My mom asked

"Yeah."I said holding the list "Do you think I should get preemie ones?"

"Uh no."My mom said browsing the carseats "Which ones do you like?"

"I really like the pink and gray damask ones. It matches their room in California."I said walking over pointing at them

My mom put two boxes that contained the carseats in one of the carts "More basics diapers, you're gonna need a lot of diapers."

"There's so many brands."I said looking at all the boxes of diapers

"Here two boxes of 100 count newborn size diapers."My mom said holding the boxes

"Wait there's sizes?" I said surprised

She nodded as she put wipes in the cart "You have lots of options, good luck when they grow like weeds.

We walked around the store and got a diaper bag, stroller, blankets, lots of blankets, pacifiers, everything they needed for bath time, bottles, everything we really needed to feed them, swings, bouncy seats, teething toys, baby monitor, thermometers, all we needed was clothes.

"Okay Soph this is the fun part,besides the prices."My mom said as I pushed the cart into the clothing section "You're gonna need something to bring them home in."

I looked around and it was crazy how tiny everything was. "I wanna get hats monogrammed. I need socks that will help me not to mix them up."

"Okay pick some out and I'm sure I can drop them off tomorrow."My mom said putting a pack of pink onesies in the cart

"Okay thanks." I said putting three packs of pink and purple hats in the cart

I also splurged on clothes, socks, hats, headbands, mittens,bibs,and a few cute sun hats. Overall the shopping trip went well. My mom and I didn't argue like I thought we would. I was really excited to unpack and see the nursery my mom put together

"Ready to see it?"My mom said covering my eyes as she lead me to the nursery she put together, well designed

"Slightly nervous."I said as I heard her open the door

"Okay,open!"She said moving her hands away

The room was beautiful, but looked expensive. The ceiling had a pastel sky on it. The cribs were just gorgeous. Everything about the room was amazing, but it didn't feel right. I didn't want my mom to pay for everything.

"Mom!"I said starting to tear up "I love it, but I hate it!"

"You hate it?" My mom said surprised

"I didn't want you to spend all this money on me."I said

"Oh honey it wasn't for you. It was more for Kinley and Kinsey. This room isn't even one third of my paycheck."My mom said sitting some Babies R Us bags on the ground

"Thank you so much."I said peering into the crib "You even put a little table for them."

"Your welcome now lets hang up some clothes, put together the carseat,and stroller."My mom said smiling

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