Blender Time

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I love everyone's comments on when they told their dad's 'I love you.' Some cracked me up and some were really sweet. But I seriously think that you all made your dad smile, maybe not on the outside but in the inside. Wow I feel like someone on a talk show or something. But really thanks I bet you made your dad's day. Just remember there not always going to be here same with your mom so never forget to say I love you. It's a small thing but it really counts.


"I don't get it!" Shawn yelled and put his forehead in his hands.

It was Monday, I've been tutoring Shawn for four days and yeah he's shown some progress. He passed our regular Friday quiz so I was proud of that. And this Friday was our test where it was like twenty percent our grade? Well a really big portion. If Shawn passes that test his grade will at least go up to a sixty seven, then he just has to work harder and get it to a seventy. But all he needs is a C.

"Shawn you can do this, it's not hard." I said calmly.

We were in the kitchen, working on the counter. Lilly and Suzie were shopping and Blake and Cole are at practice. Then after practice they were gonna go get pizza with friends. I don't exactly know.

"Bull shit Tori!" Shawn snapped, "Your just a smart ass that just naturally gets it! What the hell would you know about me struggling?"

He put his face in his hands and I sulked back in my chair. I stared at him for a minute.

"I'm not going to pass that test Tori. So just forget it," Shawn muttered behind his hands.

"Ok that's enough," I got up and tugged at Shawn's arm, "You need a break. Come on it's blender time."

"What the hell is that?" Shawn sighed.

"You'll see," I smiled, "Question, do you have any Oreos?"

"In the pantry," Shawn said finally looking up.

I walked to the pantry and grabbed a bag of Oreos. I put them next to the counter and grabbed some ice cream from the freezer.

"Are you gonna make a milkshake?" Shawn asked.

"Shush, I'm in my working zone," I said with a laugh.

He rolled his eyes and laughed, "Of course you are."

I grabbed a spoon and scooped some ice cream, throwing it into the blender. Then I grabbed the Oreos and crunched them in.

"Shawn can you please bring a cup of ice?" I asked.

He jumped off his seat and got a glass filling it with ice, he handed it to me and I poured it into the blender. Shawn leaned on the counter watching me do my awesome milkshake magic.

"Now if you will do the honors?" I asked stepping away from the blender. He chuckled and got in front of thr blender putting his finger on the ON button.

"It shall beith my pleasureith," he said talking like Mark Twain.

I laughed and he pushed the ON button. I watched as the Oreos chased the ice until there was nothing left of the ice. We had the blender on a good minute before I told him to stop.

"That's good!" I yelled over the noise.

Shawn stopped the blender, "That lookith goodith."

I chuckled, "Why are you talking like that?"

"It's funith, you should tryith it." He raised his eyebrows at me, as if tempting me to try it. He walked to one of the cabinets and pulled out two long glasses to put the milkshake.

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