Author's Note

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Hush now my fellow Wattpadians, I know y'all hate author's note because you have that one surge of excitement and then PPFFFFTTTTT....

Wow....the author is just TALKING.

Trust me, I hate author's note's as much as y'all but not everyone pays attention to my board so if you have a spare minute please read this. It has important details like, possibly taking down 3S?, the epilogue of the book, and my future reads. Please please please read it.

Mmk, so, YES I am writing an epilogue. I didn't feel like I tied everything up last chapter. Which was the point, trust me there is a method to my madness. Or weirdness to my writing I guess. So for all of you that thought it was over WRONNNGGG. There are still soooo many unanswered questions am I right? I think it would be torture if I didn't answer them. And I've already written half the epilogue. I promise it won't take another year to post it. 2018 too far away for that.

Here's the catch though, I was absent for a really really really long time. (Not sure if you noticed). Lately, I've been seeing a lot of copy cats of my book. I've addressed this before, I will address it again. I have worked my (pardon my french) ass off on this book. And I don't mean the donkey because I sadly don't own one. But anyways, 3 Stepbrothers has become a part of me just like it has become a part of you. I am so so very tempted to just take this book off after my epilogue. Especially, because I mean to publish it. (With a lot..a lot of heavy revisions).

Lemme put this in perspective for you, I started this book at the end of 8th grade. Crazy...Especially when you realize I'm graduating high school this year and I still haven't finished. That's years. YEARS of work. Seeing copy cat books is heartbreaking. It truly is and honestly, it's a very big reason why I regret putting my book on the internet. I am going to publish this book, will it take a long time? Hell yeah. But I am determined to get it done.

As my readers, I just ask for one thing, I don't care if you write a fan-fic (again probs not that popular but I don't know what you guys wanna do) of this book, I encourage you to become part of my world. But the one thing I'm asking after spending all this time and effort and plot line (because lemme tell you I have to sit down and make a diagram of what I'm going to do and where it's going to lead etc to create the plot line) is:

1) Don't write the exact same book I have and just change the names. It's disappointing to me because I feel like my story is a gift. One of those really expensive gifts that takes me weeks of work to get. And you take that gift and just kinda throw it in the mud. It's still my gift but you kinda got it all dirty so you can't even tell it was from me. And on top of it suddenly looking gross, my tossing a gift I worked hard for it makes me feel like crap. Does that make sense?

2) If you see copy cat stories, maybe do something about it? I know there are A LOT of stepbrother stories out there on wattpad (tbh I was one of the originals that later seemed to branch out to all sorts of things but NOT THE POINT LOL). But if you see a story that is literally mine, I don't know...take a stance? I can't do it alone. And whenever I'm on wattpad I just write. I don't have time to read the stories so I just sit down and write for all of you. But my little soldiers I'd honestly be forever grateful.


Past all the boring stuff, I wanted to ask questions and y'all can comment just so I get a sense that I'm going to please you all with the FINAL CHAPTER (imagine that screaming emoji because that's what I just did).

1. Shawn? Any thoughts? Comments? Begging for me not to kill him off?

2. Baby names for Blake and Cali's kids? I'm all ears even though I think I decided...but I might change one because I'm still iffy

3. What do you think/want to happen to Cole? I already wrote his part but I'm curious.

4. Finally, Tori....where she at? What up with her? Lol...I know *sneaky grin*

Any other thoughts or comments you just feel like sharing over any other character feel free to comment here. I might be forgetting people that you care about. And I honestly don't mind dropping a paragraph about how their doing.

Other than that, after the epilogue I encourage you re-read the book. You'll see that as my writing progressed so did my plot line which means I have literally been planning this ending for over a year. I am soooo looking forward to writing this last chapter. Not because the book is ending but because it is literally my favorite chapter ever.

Hey, and just because I said I would take 3S down doesn't mean I won't write more. I will and I've already got a lot of ideas. I'm just currently trying to decide what book to start next...because I'm choosing from like five. So...I kinda really hope you'll read my other stuff...I promise it's good too.

I hope that was insightful and not to long. I really hope you had a great new year and going to have a great year. You're all beautiful people who have been so loyal and I honestly couldn't have asked for any better readers. Thanks for sticking with me through this adventure and I really hope you join me on my next one. Sorry for being sappy, I'm not usually sappy. Because if I were I would be a tree. But I truly am grateful. Thanks you guys :)

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