The Math Test

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Me and Mark walked into math class chuckling at what Cali had just said.

Shawn came up to us and looked at Mark, "I'm going to borrow Tori for a second."

Before me or Mark could react Shawn grabbed my hand and pulled me to the back of the classroom.

"Tori I'm freaking out!" Shawn whisper yelled.

"It's ok, just calm down," I tried to sound as soothing as possible.

Shawn groaned in frustration rubbing his face, "If I don't get a C I can't play football, and I might not be able to play soccer either."

"I know Shawn, but listen. It's just a piece of paper, we went through the material. You know all this, the other day you only missed two problems. Shawn I seriously think you can do this," I said.

He nodded, "Ok. Thanks Tori."

I smiled, "Anytime."

Shawn looked over my shoulder, "You can go back before Mark comes over and asks a bunch of questions."

I chuckled, "Good luck."

I walked away and sat beside Mark. More kids came in and took their seats. I looked over to Shawn and saw him tapping his pencil on the desk nervously.

"What's up with Shawn?" Mark asked.

I looked back at Mark, "I'll tell you later."

"Promise?" Mark said.

I chuckled, "Promise."

Everyone walked in and Blake sat behind me.

I turned to face him, "You gonna cheat off my work?"

He grinned and I instantly knew it was a yes. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front of the class.

Mr.Farlez walked in, "Good morning class."

No one said anything, either way it looked like he was just saying that because he had to. I don't think he likes children.

"Today is our Unit Math test, it will count twenty percent of your grade," he said as he passed out the test, "You have the whole class period and you may begin as soon as you recieve the test."

A test finally reached me and I started working. Every so often I'd glance up at Shawn. His face would be scrunched up in concentration and he had the pencil eraser right under his upper lip. I went back to the math problem and worked on it.

"Alright class you have five minutes to finish circling your answers," Mr.Farlez said.

I had already finished and checked my work, so now I was just watching Shawn.

Maybe we shouldn't have played soccer last night. We should have been studying harder. Dammit.

Shawn circled the answers and put his pencil down. He buried his face in his hands, rubbing his face. Finally he looked at me, but there was just no expression on his face. It was blank. Finally he shrugged.

What does that mean? Does he think he did well? Did he just not care? The anticipation was killing me.

Mr.Farlez walked around the room collecting our tests as he did so he told us how we could find out score, "I will grade these next class and later today I will send out an email. I'm guessing you kids will just check your phones for that."

Well duh. This is the twenty-first century, I'm not actually going to check on a laptop unless I really have to.

"Alright, class dismissed." Mr.Farlez muttered going back to his desk.

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