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Ok sorry for the mix up, but Suzie's birthday is in May. The boys birthday is in January. I mixed the two up, sorry about that. Now....on with the chapter. 


Shawn's POV 

The alarm on my desk started to ring. I groaned, knowing it was time to get up and go to school. See I always used to have my alarm on my nightstand, but then I'd just shut the alarm off and mom would have to wake me up. So now the alarm was on my desk, where I would have to get up and shut it off. 

Now the beeping was really starting to bother me. 

'SHUT IT OFF!' My vocie said. 

'I'm going, I'm going,' I groaned and walked to the alarm. I shut it off and then collapsed on my bed. 

I hate school, I hate it so much. What's the point? All we do is wake up early and go for seven hours. I have way better things to do than sit in a classroom filled with people.  

I waited a couple minutes and then I got up making my way to my closet. I put a navy blue underarmour shirt, and some sweatpants. Today's a lazy day, what do you expect? 

When I was done I headed downstairs with my backpack. By the time I reached the kitchen Tori was already out the door and walking towards the shed. I sat down at the table, Cole was already there along with Bill and mom. 

"Morning everyone," I said grabbing some toast. 

"Sup Shawn," Cole said munching on cereal.  

"Tori already left?" I asked. 

The truth is I really hated Tori when mom and Bill remarried. I never wanted a stepsister and neither did my brothers. We were fine just the three of us and mom. But after a while Cole warmed up to Suzie, and slowly to Tori. So I just thought, what the heck? She's funny, and sarcastic. Yeah....sometimes I want to throw her in a sack and throw her down the stairs. But she helped me with math and gave me a location to take Em to for our date. And yeah I can be an asshole, but so is Cole sometimes and Blake.... 

Never mind him. 

"Yeah she left," Bill said taking a sip of coffee, "I better be heading too." 

Bill stood up and walked to the stairs. 

"Suzie. You're going to be late," he called after her. 

"I'm coming daddy," Suzie called. 

I chuckled and Cole smiled. Suzie was cute for a nine year old. That I had to admit. At times she could act underaged, but she's smart. Her IQ is ten times higher than mine when I was nine. 

'You just insulated yourself Shawn,' Vocie said. 

'God shut up.' 

I spread some butter on my toast and ate that. Bill grabbed his stuff and started heading for the garage door. Suzie walked down the stairs and I heard Blake trailing behind her.  

"If there's something strange," Suzie sang, "In your neighborhood. Who you gonna call?" 

"Ghostbusters!" Me and my brothers shouted. 

Mom laughed and Bill chuckled. Me and Cole fist bumped while Blake sat beside us grabbing the orange juice. 

Suzie laughed and walked to her dad, "Bye daddy." 

Bill gave her a hug and kissed her head, "See you later kiddo." 

We all waved a goodbye as Bill walked out and to his car. Suzie sat by mom and started eating her cereal. 

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