Chapter One

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"How many miles is the earth from the moon?"

 "238857 miles, ma’am"

 "Okay. How many countries are there on this earth?"

"A hundred and ninety six"

"Number of square miles the ocean covers" 

"139 million. Can we do something else, please?"

There is a rustling of papers and Miss Gracia looked up. "Why, Miss Alexia, it was your idea to have this mini quiz, as my lessons were apparently too elementary for that magnificent mind of yours," she said.

 "I appreciate your effort, Miss Gracia, however, given that you have been a geography teacher for 10 years now, it wouldn't be too far a stretch to imagine that you had some harder questions up your sleeve, now would it?" Alexia replied, stretching back in her chair.

 Miss Gracia's mouth opened and closed, offence written all over her face. "Well maybe you should just jump ahead to college, then," she snapped.

Alexia gave a wry smile. "I would, but they won't allow me."

 Miss Gracia's mouth set into a thin, hard line. "Alexia, please keep quiet and allow me to finish my lesson, at least."

 "Sure, thing ma'am."

After a period of time, a pattern develops. Things fall into place, and daily life becomes one repetitive cycle that to Alexia, seemed impossible to break free from. So here she was, stuck in a world that she understood too well, yet didn't know. Come to think of it, she had no intention to. She wasn't particularly fond of the intelligence-deprived beings that existed within the same physical boundaries as herself, nor did she want to engage in their shallow, self-absorbed activities.

Her parents used to tell her that she had to break free from this cycle, to mingle around, to make friends. (Alexia had one friend, mind you, and that was enough.) They would tell her to lower her expectations and try to fit in, that human relations were more important than brain power. Alexia had to bite her tongue from rebutting, because to both of them were unhappily married with lousy jobs which barely paid the bills. Another thing her parents taught her that lower expectations meant more surprises, and a happier life. Alexia had surprises, all right, but they came in the form of shock to find that school was such a pathetic pool of elementary information, and the people penetrating its walls were no different, and neither of these made Alexia any happier.

Alexia wasn't always so cynical though, and once in a while, she gave the teachers a chance to impress her, though they came up short most of the time. So it really wasn't Alexia's fault that she didn't venture too much out of her comfort zone, when doing so would only serve to pollute her mind.

 And here Alexia was, sitting in another class on another day and listening to another boring lecture and watching the creatures around her act surprised at this imparting of facts. At least she hoped they were acting, some of them actually looked confused, the reason of which was beyond her.

 "Miss Gracia, how hot is the sun?"

 Alexia jolted upright at the sound of the new voice. A new student, how could she not have noticed, and a good-looking one, at that. He had a mischievous glint in his eye and gorgeous hair that fell gently over his face, in perfect proportion away from his eyes and nose. His facial features were aligned in perfect symmetry and the corners of his mouth were at just the correct bearings and angles to work their way into a girl's heart.

 Not as hot as you, Alexia thought, not realizing that she had said that out loud. All eyes turned to her and she felt her face heat up the way it did in the dream. He's so far away, yet the passion I feel for him is radiating towards me.

 "Why, Miss Alexia," Miss Gracia's mouth dropped open in surprise. "What was it you just said?"

 "I meant 5778K," Alexia stuttered, glancing down.

 Miss Gracia rolled her eyes. "There you have it, Almier. A freshly baked answer, straight from google."

Almier. Almier. The word keep replying in Alexia's head, a one note melody.

“Okay, class is dismissed.” Ms Gracia’s voice echoed throughout the acoustics of the room.

Alexia immediately stood up among the crowd of eager students, making her way towards Almier for an introduction. Alexia straightened her blouse and prepared herself for the first genuine introduction she had done in years. Extending a hand, and with a crisp voice that reflected her intellect, she said, “Hello, my name is Alexia Lee. It is your pleasure to meet my acquaintance."


Hey guys! This is our very first story we have ever written so please ignore the extremely cliché plot and occassional awkward sentences. We began writing this as a joke for our friend, but decided to take it more seriously later on, hence, the over-done plot. 

Anyway, feel free to comment, critique and express your thoughts in a civilised manner. However, if you are going to hate for the sake of hating, please waste your energy elsewhere. We appreciate intelligent hate, but if you spout nonsensical gibberish, you will just be embarrassment to yourself. 

Also, forgive us if we take some time to update the story, school sadly does not help our case. 

Thanks for reading! ~Thewriters101~

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