Chapter Five

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Colton lay in bed waiting for Kayla to return, but she never did. He eventually fell asleep and when he woke up in the morning she still wasn't home. He began to worry; it wasn't like her to not call or text about coming home.

He walked downstairs and looked around the kitchen to see if there was note he was supposed to read. There wasn't one. He grabbed the phone and dialed her number. It rang a couple of times and then she finally picked up. Colton sighed with relief.

"Hey, where have you been?" He asked her angrily.

"I stayed at my sister's house. I was here all day yesterday and I was too tired to drive home," Kayla explained, but Colton knew there was another reason as to why she didn't come home.

"You could have called or texted," he grumbled feeling a little guilty about her not coming home. For some reason he thought it was his fault.

"Yeah I guess. Wait! Why did it take you so long to actually call me to see where I was?" Kayla asked angrily.

"Woah! Don't try to change the subject. I assumed you were at your sister's and I didn't get home till late," Colton said defending himself.

"And when you got into bed, without me beside there, you what? Assumed I was somewhere else?" Kayla asked becoming angrier.

"Don't turn this on me, you are the one who didn't call me and tell me where you were. Plus you have to come home now because we need to be sized for our outfits," Colton said rolling his eyes as he opened the fridge door.

"Sized for what?" Kayla asked confused.

"The photo-shoot and interview Giovanna has us set up for," Colton explained nonchalantly. It wasn't the first time he had to do this with his sister.

"Lovely," Kayla said sarcastically.

"Please try with her. I know she's difficult, but she's my sister and I love her," Colton pleaded.

"I'll try if she tries," Kayla said.

"Ha! G doesn't try she just does what she wants when she wants," Colton said pouring orange juice into a cup.

"Then why should I have to if she won't? Your family makes no sense. I'll be at the house when I choose to be there," Kayla said as she hung up the phone. Colton looked at the phone confused, then put it down and went back to his orange juice.

"What was that about?" Giovanna asked as she slowly walked into the room.

"I'm sure you already heard," Colton said staring at his sister. Her long brown hair was put up in a messy bun and she was wearing short jean shorts and a black sweater that hung off her shoulder.

"I wanted to hear it from you," she said sitting down on one of the stools. She grabbed his glass of orange juice, took a drink, and then put it back. Colton groaned as he ran his hands through his hair. They were beginning to stress him out.

"Why can't you just get along with her? She's not that bad," Colton asked confused.

"I'm your sister, it's like my job to give your new wife a hard time," Giovanna said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, while we were engaged. But you have taken it to a whole new level. Moving into the house, ignoring her, making her uncomfortable in her own home, like to the point where she doesn't even want to stay here," Colton said confused. Why were women so mean to each other?

"Since mom isn't here I'm the one who has to make sure you marry someone who is good enough to be with you and to be in this family," she said staring at her brother. She knew she was really hard on Kayla, but the real world was hard and Giovanna wasn't going to let up on her just because she was uncomfortable. Colton glared at his sister, but before he could say anything Byron walked in. 

"So we are doing a family photoshoot are we?" Byron asked pulling his Oakley sunglasses off. 

"I guess so," Colton sighed as he shook his brother's hand. A few minutes later there was a knock at the door and Giovanna stood up excitedly. 

"I thought we were just doing sizes today?" Colton asked confused. Giovanna shook her head and smiled as she walked to the door. Giovanna opened the door and GG was standing there with his legion of assistants. He had on skintight black leather pants, a black dress shirt that only had one button done up and his shoulder length brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. 

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