Chapter Fourteen

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Josephine turned around and saw Colton standing there in a dark navy suit and a navy tie. Colton noticed she hadn't changed a bit since the last time he had seen her. If he hadn't seen Giovanna in the room he would have thought it was her. They had the same slender model frame, long brown hair and big brown eyes. Her eyes were just as evil as Giovanna's could be, except Josephine looked like the evil Disney Queen all the time. Kayla stood up at once and walked over to Colton. He didn't look at her nor did he go to hug her. She didn't grab him either and just stared at him. She could tell he was furious his aunt was there, but Kayla didn't know why.

"Ahh, nephew, there you are," she said in her shrilly voice. When he was a child he used to have nightmares about her voice. He would wake up in the middle of the night and scream for his parents. Hearing her voice so many years later brought back those vivid nightmares.

"Why are you here?" He asked putting his hands in his pockets. Kayla couldn't help but notice how incredibly handsome he looked in his suit.

"Are all three of you that slow? I thought you were smart? My baby brother died and I am here to pay my respects," she said smiling slyly at Colton. Byron snorted and Giovanna still hadn't moved.

"I recall father telling you to never come near him again or us for that matter," Colton said.

"Well he isn't here anymore so he won't know," she said. "Is this your new wife Colton? Not much of an upgrade from your previous girlfriends." Colton's face hardened and Josephine began to walk towards her. Colton slightly pushed her aside and blocked her from his aunt. He wouldn't allow Josephine to get anywhere near her.

"You should leave," Colton suggested angrily as Kayla held onto Colton's waist from behind.

"I'm staying here, with family until after the funeral," she said smiling at Colton. He knew what she was doing; she wanted him to lose his temper.

"Get out," he whispered to her and Giovanna finally stood up to stand next to Byron. Kayla was terrified, her hand fell to her stomach; she had to protect their baby.

"No," she whispered back to him. Kayla didn't know what Colton was going to do. She had never seen anyone challenge him like this except for Giovanna and he would have given in already.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He screamed at her. She backed away from him and Colton moved closer to her. He grabbed her arm tightly and began moving her towards the front entryway. "Get your shit and get out of my house. You are never again welcome here." He pushed her towards the door and she bounced towards it. She turned around smiling, clearly happy about Colton losing his temper.

"I'll leave now, but I'll be back with a lawyer," she said to him as she picked up one of her bags.

"I hope you have a good one," Colton said through his teeth. He was shaking because of how angry he was. He couldn't even remember the last time he was this angry.

"You have no idea," she said winking at her niece and nephews. She walked out of the door and Colton grabbed the closest thing he could throw. It was a clear vase with flowers in it and he chucked it across the room and it hit the door and burst into a thousand pieces. Colton was furious, along with his siblings and they scattered in different directions around the house. Kayla and Anna were left standing in the entryway by themselves as staff members began cleaning up the mess Colton made.

"I don't understand," Kayla said shakily as she sat down. Anna went to her side and attempted to comfort her.

"It's quite a story," she said. Kayla looked up at her hoping she would continue the story, but she didn't. She was looking in the direction Giovanna walked away in and Kayla looked and saw her walking back.

"Aunt Jo, if you can even call her that, used to be quite close to the family. Until daddy got married and she did everything she possibly could to break up their marriage. She always tried to be better than mom and she always tried to create rifts between them, but mom and dad's love for each other was one that could never be broken. She convinced me when I was fifteen that I should start modeling, and I did. I loved it and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be where I am today. But because of her, I lost so many years I could have spent with my mother and father, and that is something I will never forgive her for. She is the reason my father and I spent so many years fighting against each other. Jo used to tell him stories that would get under his skin about modeling and what really happened, and he believed I was doing everything she was saying. We fought about it a lot and dad told me he never wanted to see me again. Colton and Byron never forgave her for meddling in our family and refuse to have anything to do with her," Giovanna explained to them. Anna already knew the story, but Kayla was hearing this story for the first time. Giovanna turned around and left them standing there. Kayla was shocked; she really did marry into the most dramatic family. 

Kayla left the room and went to find Colton. He was sitting in one of the formal living rooms staring at the fire that always seemed to be blazing. The lights were off and Kayla could just see the outline of his body hunched over. She cautiously walked over to him not sure if he would freak out on her. He could hear her footsteps coming closer to him, but he didn't look up to see. He knew it was Kayla; he knew she would come looking for him. She sat down in the chair opposite of him and looked at him. 

His face had hardened and his features were much more defined. The fun loving boy she once knew, and sorely disliked, had disappeared. The man that now sat before her had stern eyes, chiseled jaw, pursed lips, and an unsavory look of anger and responsibility. She moved her hand over to his arm and lay it down softly in an attempt to show him her support. He didn't even flinch. She squeezed his arm and wriggled free and stood up to move away from her. 

"Why do you keep pushing me away?" she asked suddenly 

"I don't mean to," he said quietly. 

"Then don't." He looked back at her; he still couldn't look her in the face knowing that she was pregnant. He couldn't be a father, he was now just realizing that he could barely even be a husband. 

"How long have you known?" Kayla stared at him, but she didn't want to say. He looked back at her and stared at her. 

"Six weeks," she finally said. His stare was what made her cave, and she knew she had to tell him eventually. How could she have known for so long and she didn't say anything? 

"You didn't want to tell me? Or were you just going to wait until it became to obvious?" Colton asked becoming angry. "I thought this was suppose to be a marraige, you know with like communication and whatever else is part of a normal marriage." 

"Yeah, that's great coming from you Colton. Your the one who is never home and now that you are the only one running the company I've become even less convinced that you will be around to help with this baby. That is why I didn't want to tell you, I didn't want you to get overwhelmed and run off on me. Which happened anyways, so clearly jokes on me," Kayla said furiously standing up. She was so angry with him. Colton didn't respond to her. He knew she was right, he would be working day and night to keep the company going and he wouldn't be home to help her. 

"I don't know what to do," he said quietly. Kayla could barely even hear him and walked over to him. She hesitated and then put her hand on his back. He was so tense and she pushed herself into his body and hugged him tightly. He didn't do anything, she just continued to hug him and he straightened his body but didn't hug her back. She finally let go and backed away from him. She leaned up against the table and stared up at him, but he wouldn't look at her. 

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon and if you want to come that would be quite nice and if you don't want to, well, then I guess I will have to get used to doing things on my own," she said trying to keep her voice from cracking. Colton finally looked down at her. He missed the woman he married, she was so happy and smiling all the time. And now, he couldn't even remember the last time they laughed together or even the last time they 'I love you' to each other. He wasn't ready for the responsibility of a child and going to the doctor would be like accepting this new responsibility. He didn't want it. Not right now.

Kayla nodded understanding that he probably wouldn't be coming and began to walk away from him. He wanted to grab onto her arm and pull her back, but his body didn't move and he just stood there as the fire began to burn down. She walked quietly towards the door and she opened it. 

"I love you," he whispered to himself as she began to shut the door on her way out. He turned around hoping she had heard him, but he knew she didn't and he turned back to the fire. He needed to figure out a way to get his aunt of his life, his wife's life, and his baby's life. 

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