Chapter Twelve

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They all knew that today would be the day, and when they drove to the hospital there was a different type of tension in the car. They sat there completely stiff knowing what was going to happen when they went to the hospital. Colton drove them, Kayla was in the passenger seat, and the other three sat in the back with Byron in the middle. No one touched each other and the radio wasn’t even turned on. Kayla couldn’t take the silence, but she also didn’t want start talking and make everyone else uncomfortable.

When they arrived at the hospital there were no paparazzi waiting outside for them this time. Kayla was quite relieved to see that they weren’t there. The last few pictures they had taken of her and published in magazines were horrifying. She looked disheveled and her eyes were puffy from crying. Colton didn’t hold her hand as they walked in like the last few times. Kayla knew it was because the paparazzi weren’t there and that he didn’t have to show he cared.

They walked up to the third floor and all of the nurses stared gravely at them. They all knew that he was going to die and they didn’t want to do anything to upset the siblings. Byron, Kayla and Anna smiled nicely at them as they passed, but Giovanna and Colton glared at the door they had to enter. Colton and Giovanna made it to the door before the other three and he hesitated before putting his hand on the doorknob. He looked back at his siblings and they nodded slightly at him and he opened the door.

Robert opened his eyes slightly but he was too weak to sit up this time. He didn’t say anything to them, but he smiled a little as they all sat around him. Colton sat down in a chair close to his father’s side and Byron sat on the opposite side. Giovanna sat on the bed slightly behind Colton. Anna and Kayla didn’t go to close to the bed, but sat at the table in the corner of the room. No one said anything they just stared at their father. Colton wanted to remember everything about him; the good and the bad.

“It won’t be long now. I can feel it,” Robert said weakly as he held his children’s hands. Giovanna’s bottom lip trembled but no tears were in her eyes. Kayla could already feel the tears welling up and she didn’t understand how the three felt absolutely nothing for the man that raised them. They sat again in silence for a little bit as the TV played the news in the background.

“I want you all to know that I am very, very proud of you. You all have exceeded my expectations, and I couldn’t be happier with the adults you have become. I know we have had our differences in the past, but we are family. You three have shown me the power of family. Your determination to stay together and grow up together is inspiring. Don’t ever let yourselves grow apart,” Robert said slowly as he took long breaths after his speech. Kayla and Anna’s tears finally spilled over, but they made no noise.

“You two ladies are now a part of this family and I hope we haven’t scared you off too much,” he said with a little chuckle. Kayla and Anna smiled as tears continued to fall down their face. He motioned for them to come forward and Colton stood up to let them pass. Robert held out his arms and hugged Anna tightly.

“Thank you. For raising me and loving me like a daughter,” Anna said through her tears.

“You are my daughter,” he whispered to her. She hugged him tightly and Kayla saw Byron wipe a tear from his eye. Anna let Robert go for the last time and walked to the end of the bed. Kayla was next, her body was trembling and she tried with all her might to stop it, but she couldn’t. She felt Colton’s hand on her back and she began to relax a little. Kayla put her arms around her father-in-law’s frail body and squeezed tightly.

“Kayla take care of my boys, especially Colton, he will need it after this,” he said quietly in her ear. “And tell him after this of your news. He will run off, but he will always come back to you. I promise.” Kayla began to sob and Robert squeezed her before letting go again. She could feel Colton’s hand run up her back and stop at her neck as he squeezed it in support. She stood up, wiped her tears, and walked to where Anna was standing. Anna grabbed her hand and gripped it in support.

The beeping on Robert’s heart machine began to fade. Byron stood up and hugged his father tightly. They could hear him whisper ‘I love you’ and then let go of his father. Colton hugged his father for the very last time and kissed his forehead. Kayla had never seen him in such a loving way in a long time. He backed away to allow his sister some room, but he refused to look at Kayla. Giovanna leaned over and kissed her father’s forehead. She bent down and hugged her father tightly.

“I have always been proud of you Giovanna. I hope you know that. Everything you have done and accomplished is more than I could ever have asked for. Don’t ever give up on anything,” he whispered to her. Tears began to stream down Giovanna’s face and it was the first time Kayla had ever seen any type of sadness in her sister-in-law.

“I love you daddy,” she said quietly as her voice broke from the tears. She broke away from her father and went back to her seat as they watched Robert slowly pass away.

He looked into his father’s eyes for the very last time. There was a hint of sadness in them, but Colton could also see happiness. He knew his father was happy to finally meet with his beloved. All those years without her made him miserable. He could also tell that he was happy all three of his children were there to see him off. No one was crying or yelling at each other; they sat in complete silence and held his hands as he drifted off. It was almost like he was going to sleep, and that is how Colton thought about it. Death was so terrifying to him, but sleep was something natural.

Robert’s grip loosened and Colton knew that his father had finally succumbed to death. Colton, Byron, nor Giovanna whimpered or cried. They looked at him and stared; there was nothing to say to each other. Kayla, on the other hand, stood behind them and whimpered quietly to herself. She had never dealt with death well. Colton could hear her, but he refused to get up to comfort her. He didn’t want to have to let go of his father just yet.

Memories came flooding back to him. Mostly happy memories, but also memories of when they would fight with each other or work side by side. Colton’s fondest memories were those he shared with his father at the estate in England. Robert had taught him everything there.

“Come here baby. I’m so sorry,” Kayla said as tears fell down her face. She reached her hand out for him but he didn't grab it. He just stared blankly at her and she didn't know what to do. She walked towards him and grabbed him forcefully trying to hug him, but he wouldn't put his arms around her. 

"Stop it," he said quietly but forcefully. Kayla let him go immediately and looked up at him. 

"What? You don't want me to comfort you?" She asked becoming angry with him. He wouldn't even look at her now. 

"Just don't force it," he said to her turning away. Kayla's blood was boiling. She understood that it wasn't her father she had lost, but she still lost a member of her family and she felt like she needed to be comforted more than he did. Her news was about to boil over but she didn't want to say it here. She wanted to tell everyone the news at a much better time. 

"I'm pregnant," she blurted as everyone in the hallway looked at her. No one said anything and they all looked from Colton to Kayla. No one came over to congratulate her, no one came over to comfort her and Colton could barely even look at her. She stood there waiting for him to say something to her, but he never did. Kayla looked at Giovanna, who had touched up her makeup, but she didn't look at her. When Colton finally did look at her it looked as though he never wanted to hear those words in his life. 

He looked over at her when she said the news. How could it be? After all of this, how could something good come out of this? He didn’t want it to happen. It was too soon. He stared; first at her face then further down. Her eyes were full of tears and he could see the fear underneath them. She was as scared as he was. He moved his eyes, looking at every inch of her body until it fell upon her stomach. He couldn’t believe there was a human being growing inside of her. He wasn’t ready and he knew it. It terrified to have to look after another human being. He could feel hot tears in his eyes and her face turned sympathetic to him. She began to reach out for him, but he turned away from her. Shunning her and what she just told him. He began to walk furiously down the hospital hallway and then broke into a run. He could hear her voice calling his name; it was shaky. She didn’t want him to leave, but he didn’t know what else to do.

He burst through the doors and ran to his car. He needed to get away, far away. He sped off to the airport and got on his plane. He wanted to be in London. He just lost his father and was now becoming a father. Maybe this was how his father reacted when he found out he was having children. Now he would never know. He got on the plane and told the pilot to bring him to London. He wanted to be in the house that he last felt happy with his father. 

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