Chapter Twenty

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Four Months Later...

"Oh my God, just get this child out of me," Kayla complained as she walked slowly into the kitchen. Everyone was sitting around the island; her family had flown in the day before and Dylan and Nicole had been there for months. Her back was sore, her feet had swollen and she could never get comfortable. 

"I agree," Colton and Giovanna both said. Kayla glared at both of them, they looked at each other, smiled, and looked back down at their food. Kayla had noticed their relationship had improved incredibly since they had been in London. She sat down on one of the chairs and began to pick at the plate of fruit Colton had placed in front of her. He walked back around to the island and began to eat his bacon. 

"Colton can you please stop standing behind me. I can feel you breathing down my neck and it's incredibly annoying," she said as she dropped her grape back onto her plate. Colton looked up from his food, looked around at everyone and shrugged his shoulders. He was used to her weird pregnant antics.

"Yeah sure babe," he said looking at her hoping she would look up and realize he wasn't anywhere near her. She did look up and noticed that Colton was standing by the island. 

"I'm sorry. This is driving me nuts. I am going back to bed," she said pushing out of her chair. Byron stood up quickly and helped her get up as Colton raced around the island to help her as well. 

"Do you need help or anything?" Colton asked holding his wife's arm as she began walking to the door. 

"No, no I'm fine," she said waving him off. He let her go and she walked swiftly back to their bedroom. 

"I don't want to be insensitive or anything, but my god, she really does need to push that kid out so my wife can go back to normal," Colton said shaking his head. He was completely exhausted. He hadn't slept for what felt like months and he knew he wasn't going to last much longer. He sat down in the chair Kayla had just vacated and Giovanna rubbed his back. Kayla had waddled back to their room and crawled back into bed. She was just tired and ready to push their baby out. 

"Sweetie," her mother whispered from the door. She had pushed it open just a crack and her head popped in the room. Kayla turned her head to see her mother and her sister walking into the room. 

"Colton isn't following behind you is he?" Kayla asked tiredly. Both Jane and Ashley shook their heads and Kayla nodded in relief. He was driving her nuts. She loved that he was so caring but it was beginning to take on a whole new level. She could barely even walk to the bathroom without him jumping out of bed and walking beside her. 

"He went golfing with the boys," Ashley said as she sat down on the bed beside her sister. 

"I bet it took a lot of convincing for him to leave the house," Kayla said raising her eyebrows. He had barely even left the house since her ninth month of pregnancy arrived. 

"No, actually he was the one who suggested it and the boys went along with him," Ashley said. Kayla nodded. Finally he was out of the house and doing something other than smothering her. 

"What do you want to do today?" Jane asked her daughter as she caressed her hand. 

"I don't know. Something relaxing," she said pushing herself up so she could sit up in bed. 

"We should go to the spa," Giovanna said as she walked into the room. Kayla was apprehensive about going out past the gates. For the last few months she had barely left the grounds of the estate and no paparazzi were able to photograph her. She loved watching TV and seeing her picture from four months ago on the screen and the caption being something along the lines of 'Where has she gone?' Meanwhile there were recent pictures of Colton and Giovanna everywhere as they went out for his business dinners. 

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