Chapter Fifteen

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"Are we having a funeral?" Kayla asked. It was the question she had been dying to ask. No one talked about a funeral and they all looked at her weirdly. “What?”

“We aren’t having a funeral,” Colton said startling Kayla as he walked in behind them in the kitchen.

“Why not?” she asked as she took a bite of her bagel. She had been craving toasted bagels and cream cheese for the past few days and was finally able to indulge in her craving.

“Because dad is being cremated and he didn’t want one,” Colton explained as he drank his coffee and began to leave the room.

“Where are you going?” she asked him sternly.


“Remember I have that appointment in LA this afternoon. The plane will leave here by 1 and we will be back in time for dinner,” she said hoping it would spark some interest in him.

“I know, I know,” he said as he walked out of the room.

“I won’t wait for you,” she yelled to him as she brought her plate to the sink. He just waved his arms and she heard the front door open and close.

“You know he will probably forget,” Byron said sympathetically.

“I know,” she sighed. She knew he would forget because of everything he had to deal with; his aunt and his father’s ashes and working. It was beginning to take over his entire life and it was putting Kayla and the baby on the backburner. 

"Well, I'm going to go pick up dad and I'll set him up on the mantle next to mom," Byron said shrugging his shoulders and leaving the kitchen. Kayla almost choked on her water when he said their mother had been sitting on the mantle. 

"She's been here the whole time?" Kayla asked shocked. She had no idea that their mother's ashes were actually in the house. 

"Yes. Mom's ashes are in the main family living room. No one goes in there." Giovanna said drinking the rest of her milk and putting it in the dishwasher. Kayla was surprised she knew how to open the dishwasher. 

"That is so creepy," Kayla said as a tingling feeling went up her spine. Anna had left that morning to go back to the company and Giovanna was staying at the house with Kayla, much to her dismay. Kayla and Giovanna had never spent more than a few minutes together and Giovanna was locking herself in her room most of the days. Kayla spent most of the days walking around the quiet, dark, and depressing home. Giovanna had left the kitchen while Kayla was daydreaming and Kayla was sitting by herself in the kitchen with the staff walking around her. She heard a door open and close and immediately perked up. She waited for Giovanna to pop out of a secret door somewhere and attempt to scare her, but instead Josephine walked in. 

"Is Colton here?" she asked looking around. 

"No," Kayla said suspiciously. 

"Okay, perfect," she said excitedly sitting down across from Kayla. She began to become quite nervous around Josephine. Now that she knew the story behind Colton's hatred for her and she was incredibly rude to her when they first met. Kayla didn't say anything to her and they sat in uncomfortable silence. All that could be heard was the tick-tock of the clock on the wall. 

"So, how is your marriage going?" she asked leaning towards Kayla. 

"Uhh, well I guess," she said not understanding why now Josephine was interested in her marriage. She wasn't even invited to the wedding. 

"So you're pregnant?" she said smiling. Kayla was terrified of this woman already; the way her eyes looked at her. It was like she was looking right through her and looking into her soul. Her smile was so twisted and evil, Kayla had no idea what this woman could be planning behind it. 

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