Chapter Sixteen

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She had gone without him. It was his punishment for not being around to help her. He came home from work late and completely ignored her. She knew that he was busy at work dealing with his aunt and everything, but he also needed to understand that he had other responsibilities now. She lay in bed and didn’t say anything to him; she waited for him. He climbed into bed next to her and immediately rolled over. She just wanted to share the news with him.

“How was your day?” she asked trying to start a conversation.

“Long.” Kayla rolled her eyes; she was going to have to be blunt.

“I went to the doctor today,” she said hoping it would spark his interest and maybe he would apologize for not coming, but she wasn't getting her hopes up. 

“That’s nice.” She was becoming angry now; it was almost like he didn’t care at all for her and for this baby. 

"What the hell is wrong with you!" she screamed at him as she jumped out of bed. She just exploded, it was all she could take. He turned around and knew exactly why she was angry; he didn't call her or let her know that he wasn't going to the appointment. 

"Sorry. How was the appointment?" he asked hoping that would calm her down. It only made it worse. 

"Now you care?" she said hitting his chest and then turning away from him. He stood there amazed that she actually hit him, and then the guilt hit him. 

"Okay, okay. I should have been there. I've just been really busy with work and trying to figure everything out. You know rich people always have problems with their wills," Colton said trying to get back in her good graces. Kayla understood that he was busy, but he also needed to be there for her. 

"I need to explain something to you and then I'm going to bed," she said sitting down on the bed and waiting for him to sit beside her. He walked over to her and sat down and leaned forward on his elbows. "I understand that you have a lot going on; you just lost your father, your aunt is coming back into your life, our marriage isn't the most solid and now I'm pregnant. I understand that all of this stresses you out, and I want you to know that I am here for you. But I also need you; I lost my father-in-law who I love like a father, this crazy aunt you've never mentioned before as presented herself to me, our marriage sucks, and I am pregnant for the first time. I am absolutely terrified, I feel like I am a single woman attempting to have this baby and raise this baby on my own. I just... I just need you to be here for me. I need you to come to appointments and to actually care about me and this baby. I just need you." Kayla wiped a couple of tears from her face and waited for Colton to respond

He knew she was right; he was totally blowing her off because he lost his father, and because he didn't know what else to do. When things became hard before he would just run off to some foreign place for a week, and then he would deal with it when he got home. Now, his problem was never going away. He didn't want it to go away; he wanted to be married to Kayla and even though he wasn't ready he was excited to have this baby. A new adventure. 

"Did you watch an episode of Oprah today?" he asked looking at her sighing. Everytime she watched a rerun of Oprah he always became the victim of a large speech about something. Kayla furrowed her brows wondering why he would ask her that.

"No. I watched The View," she said pausing to think about what else she had watched, "and The Talk, and Bethenny. But that doesn't have anything to do with this. You needed to hear it." She was trying to change the subject because she knew she would have never said anything if she hadn't been on the plane today. Colton nodded and smiled at her. She missed that bright smile and the way his eyes lit up when he did smile. He pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead and she let her body fall into his. She missed how close they used to be. She wanted to be angry with him and she wanted to cut him off from her and the baby, but she couldn't. She couldn't leave him, she wanted him to experience every aspect of this pregnancy like she was. They lay down on the bed and Colton propped himself up on his elbow while Kayla snuggled in close to his body. 

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