Chapter Eighteen

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Kayla got out of bed and decided to go to the school and tell everyone that she was pregnant and make it official. Even though the media had pretty much taken the fun out of being pregnant and being able to tell people. She got dressed and decided to wear a large cardigan to sort of hide the bump, even though everyone already knew. She threw on a pair of maternity jeans and a pair of sneakers. Her feet had begun to swell even more lately and she wasn't able to wear high heels anymore. Colton had left several hours earlier for work and she let the dogs back in before leaving the house. 

She drove to the school and parked in her usual parking spot. The only problem was the hoard of paparazzi sitting outside of the school waiting for her to show up. Evelyn had called her and told her that she didn't have to worry about coming in for the rest of the year because of her pregnancy and also because of the paparazzi that followed her around. She parked her car and flashing lights were all around her. She couldn't escape it and she felt like she was drowning. She got out of the car and the paparazzi refused to back away from her. She pushed harder through the swarm and finally made it up onto the sidewalk. Jimmy saw her and came over to push the paparazzi away and pull her into the school. By the time they had entered the school, pictures of her getting out of her car had been posted on the internet. 

"Wow, that is nuts. How do you deal with that all the time?" Jimmy asked fixing his collar. 

"I honestly couldn't tell you. It's become a normal thing, which is incredibly weird," Kayla said smiling at him. He congratulated her and she said thank you and they parted ways as he had a class to teach. Kayla walked down the halls to Evelyn's office, she needed to talk to her about what she was going to do about coming back to work. She had already seen the other girls earlier in the week to tell them about her pregnancy and all of them were beyond excited for her. She walked into the office and Evelyn was standing there talking to one of the secretaries. 

"Kayla, so good to see you. You look incredible!" she said excitedly as she hugged her. 

"Thanks," Kayla said sheepishly as she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. She had been feeling worse and worse about her figure ever since her bump became visible. They walked into Evelyn's office and Kayla sat down in the chair across from her as she was already tired from walking. 

"How is everything going?" she asked her beaming from across the table. 

"Very well, Colton has got his act together and the pregnancy is going really well. It's obviously a little different as most of my clothes do not fit, which I am having problems with, but other than that baby is healthy," Kayla said. She always became increasingly excited when people asked her questions about the baby. 

"That is so good to hear. Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" she asked.

"No we have decided to leave it as a surprise," Kayla said rubbing her belly. 

"That's so nice. So what can I do for you?" Evelyn asked. 

"I just wanted to know if I could come back to work later this week. I've been cooped up in the house with my sister-in-law and I'm beginning to lose my mind," Kayla said sighing. Her and Giovanna had spent three days in the house together, and even though it was a very big house they always seemed to run into each other. Giovanna's personality was beginning to rub off on her and she needed to get away from her. 

"Well, I don't know. Look at the swarm out there. It's not like we don't want you here because we do. It's just I have to think of the safety of the students, teachers, and parents that are here. And also, we have to think of the safety of you and the baby. That parade of creeps out there will stop at nothing to take pictures of you," Evelyn said. "Have you and Colton thought about leaving the country for a bit and going somewhere where they won't follow you around like dogs?" Kayla thought about it for a moment, it never came up in conversation but she needed to think about it now. 

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