Chapter Eight

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Kayla woke up Monday morning earlier than usual. She was excited and a little nervous to go back to school and teach the kids. She got out of the shower just as Colton was getting out of bed. He was hunched over the bed staring at the floor rubbing his eyes.

"Rough night?" Kayla asked as she dried her hair. The events of Friday were still weighing on her mind but she tried to push the thoughts back so she could concentrate on school. She had already set up an appointment with the doctor that afternoon to confirm if she was pregnant.

"Yeah. You kept tossing and turning and I couldn't sleep," Colton said standing up and walking over to her. He grabbed her shoulders and rubbed her arms. She loved when he touched her; every time felt like the first time he did.

"Oh sorry. I must have been worried about today," Kayla said kissing him.

"That's okay. No worries," he said as he stepped around her and took a shower. Kayla went to the closet where she chose a pair of dark skinny jeans, a black blazer with a navy blue blouse underneath and a pair of dark blue Jimmy Choo high heels. Colton walked in and stared at his wife.

"You look incredible," he said coming up behind her and kissing her neck. She giggled and fell into his body while he brought her closer to him. He turned her around and began to kiss her fiercely.

"Babe, don't, I have to go," Kayla said trying to push him off, but not wanting to.

"Why not? Just a quickie," he said smiling and looking her up and down. She had kept him at bay for the past three nights, but she knew she couldn't keep him away for much longer.

"Not before school. Tonight lets go for a nice dinner," Kayla said as her hand lingered on his chest as he backed away from her.

"Okay I guess," Colton said disappointed as he held onto her hand before it slowly slipped away from him. He didn't understand why she was pushing him away lately. He stole little glances at her while he got dressed and watched her as she put in her earrings and put on her mascara.

"Okay, I'm off!" She said squealing as she kissed Colton and bounced her way to the car. Colton smiled; he loved seeing her so excited.

When she arrived at the school she got out of her car as the students stared at her sports car. The boys always loved when she came to school with a different sports car. Most of them she recognized and said hello to as they admired her Porsche. There were some teachers coming in at the same time as her and she joined them as they walked up the concrete steps to the school to begin a new year.

Kayla was jittery when she came out of her classroom for the hour she got for lunch. She had to go to the doctor and find out if she was 100% pregnant. She got out to her car and answered her phone as she opened the door.

"Hello," she said as she got into the car.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Giovanna asked on the other line. Kayla rolled her eyes; she didn't want to talk to Giovanna.

"I'm going for my lunch," Kayla said.

"So are you pregnant or not?" she asked right away.

"I took two tests and they both said positive but I am going to the doctor right now to find out," Kayla said surprised at how quickly she gave that up. She drove out of the parking lot and turned right down the street.

"Okay, well let me know what he says," Giovanna said excitedly as she hung up the phone. Kayla rolled her eyes again and drove to the doctor's office.

The office building was very bland looking, but very white and clean on the inside. She walked in and the receptionist was waiting at the desk for her.

"Hi, I'm here to see Dr. Nobo," Kayla said.

"She will be right with Kayla," the receptionist said smiling back at her. Kayla thanked the woman and sat down in the waiting room. There were magazines covered in babies, pregnant women and wedding dresses. There were also a couple of Sports Illustrated and golfing magazines. The doctor came out and called her in and Kayla's heart began to beat harder and harder. Her breathing became much faster and her palms began to sweat.

"Just take a seat there Kayla," Dr. Nobo said. She had sleek black hair and black thick-framed glasses. Kayla sat where she pointed and waited. The next few minutes would change both her life and Colton's lives drastically.

"So this will be your first pregnancy?" she asked.

"Yup," Kayla said instantly. They began the tests and thirty minutes later Kayla found out the results.

"Good luck with everything, and congratulations," Dr. Nobo said smiling. Kayla tried to smile back at her but she couldn't muster one. She walked out of the building and sat in her car staring at the paper. She remembered she had to call Giovanna and picked up her phone and began to dial the number.

"So what are the results?" Giovanna asked excitedly.

"Positive," Kayla said still staring blankly at the paper.

"Yay! I'm going to be an auntie!" Giovanna yelled over the phone.

"Don't tell anyone. I haven't told Colton yet," Kayla said as she started up the car. She had to go back to the school and teach her last two classes while this weighed heavily on her mind.

"Hey babe, I was thinking we could go somewhere really fancy tonight," he said as he answered the phone.

"Probably not tonight. Something's happened Colton and we need to go to Vegas," Kayla said. Colton could hear the worry in her voice and he stood up immediately.

"What? What is it? Are you okay?" He asked her beginning to worry.

"It's your dad Colton," Kayla said slowly. She knew they had been working on their relationship and didn't want to come right out and say it.

"He's probably fine," Colton said as the concern left his mind.

"No Colton. He's not fine," Kayla said as tears began to well up in her eyes. She waited for Colton to say something but he didn't so she continued, "he's had a heart attack and the doctor told me its very serious." She waited to hear his response but there was nothing. Just his breathing.

"Colton?" She asked.

"Yeah, okay. I'm coming. Tell Byron and Giovanna to meet us at the house and we will fly out together," Colton instructed. It hadn't really hit him yet that his father could die. He never thought about it.

"They are already here. We are just waiting for you," Kayla said shakily.

"I'm coming," he said as he hung up the phone. He could feel the anger in his body boiling. He grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair and swung it over his shoulders as he pushed his office doors open. They flung to the sides and everyone in the office watched as he stormed out of them.

"Anna! Lets go!" He said angrily.

"What? Where are we going?" Anna asked confused as she stood up grabbing her purse.

"Vegas. Lets go I'll explain it in the car," he said to her. Anna quickly caught up with Colton and put her arm through his as they stormed out of the office building.

"Colton, please. Tell me what's going on," Anna pleaded as they made their way to his car. Colton didn't say anything as he went to the passenger side door to open it for her. Anna didn't push him anymore; she knew he would eventually tell her. She looked up into his face as she began to sit down and saw the same anger and disbelief in his eyes just like when his mother died. Colton got in the car and slammed the door. He started up the engine and sped out of the parking garage.

"He is going to be okay," Anna said in a sympathetic voice and she caressed the side of his face. She knew he would never say it to her, but she could tell by the look in his eyes that it was serious. They spent the rest of the car ride in silence and when they got to his house he jumped out of the car. He ran straight for Giovanna and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back and squeezed them, and when they finally broke apart they walked to the car that would take them to their plane.

The car ride was completely silent. No one spoke to each other and no one made eye contact. Kayla tried to hold Colton's hand but he refused any type of physical contact. All of his siblings were like that; Byron didn't touch Anna but they sat close to each other. Giovanna refused to sit beside anyone and stared out of the window as they drove. Colton stared out of the window as well but wouldn't even put his arm around Kayla.

When they finally arrived Kayla was the first one out of the car. She needed to get out of the awkward silence and the tension that was resonating in the car. She walked towards the plane and began to board when she felt a tight grip around her arm and someone tugging her back. Colton had grabbed her arm and pulled her back; he needed to know how bad it was. Byron, Giovanna and Anna all boarded the plane while Kayla and Colton stood there. He waited until everyone was out of earshot and then looked down at Kayla. She couldn't decipher what he was thinking; his eyes were completely blank.

"How bad was it?" he asked softly.

"What?" she asked not hearing him completely.

"How bad was it?" he repeated becoming irritated.

"The doctor wouldn't tell me because I wasn't a blood relative, but by the sound of his voice it is really bad," Kayla said holding herself. She didn't like talking about it.

"Why did they call you? Not one of us?" Colton asked confused.

"He said they tried all three of you but none of you answered so I was the next call. I'm actually surprised he didn't call Anna," Kayla said surprised that the doctor hadn't called Anna. She was like a second daughter to Robert.

"Okay, lets go," he said grabbing her arm and helping her onto the stairs.

"Colton," she began turning around to look at him, "he will be okay. I know it." She smiled at him trying to cheer him up, but she could tell it didn't work and she turned back around and began to walk into the plane. Colton followed her and prayed that she was right. The plane ride was quick and when it landed they got off immediately. There was a car waiting for them and they all got in. The car ride was just as awkward and tense as the plane ride.

When they did make it to the airport they were brought in through the back as there were paparazzi standing at the front door. Colton got out of the car and sped into the hospital before anyone else and Byron helped Kayla out of the car.

"Don't worry about him. He gets like this when it has to deal with family," Byron said trying to smile at Kayla but he couldn't hold it for very long. Kayla smiled weakly at him and grabbed his hand. They walked into the hospital and followed where Colton had gone. The nurse showed them to the room and found Colton standing outside of the room staring at his father through the window. It was almost like he was too scared to walk into the room. He looked back at them when he heard them coming and opened the door slightly. Giovanna knew exactly what to do and walked into the room, as Byron and Colton followed her. Kayla began to walk into the room but Anna grabbed her and pulled her aside as she shut the door behind the siblings.

"Aren't we going in?" Kayla asked confused.

"Not yet. It's something they do. Only blood relatives allowed in until Robert asks to see someone else or the siblings want you to be in there," Anna explained. Kayla didn't understand; she was part of the family now.

"That is weird," Kayla said shaking her head as they sat down on two chairs across the hall from the room.

"They did it when their grandparents died and they did it when their mother died, and now they will do it when Robert passes," Anna said staring at Kayla. Kayla noticed she didn't even flinch when she said the last part.

"Why do you think he won't make it?" Kayla asked looking at Anna not believing what she had said.

"You said the heart attack was serious. Robert has had one before and the doctor said if he had another one he wouldn't make it. That's why Colton is so cold towards you right now," Anna said as she grabbed Kayla's hand.

"Colton never told me," Kayla said shaking her head. Why wouldn't he?

"He would never burden you with something like that. And he doesn't like talking about it," Anna said as the doctor walked by.

"Are you the family?" he asked looking from Kayla to Anna.

"No, they are already in the room," Anna said pointing to the room. Kayla looked inside for the first time and saw all three of them sitting around his bed. Robert wasn't awake and she could see the pain on all of his children's face. What if he didn't make it? How was she going to tell Colton that she actually was pregnant?

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