Beastly Lion

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You and your best friend was really shook-up from Snow White's Poison Apple. You still have those creatures in your head. Your best friend pointed to a Lion King ride. "Maybe we should try it, maybe it won't be as bad."
"What if there is live animals!?"
"(F/n), there wouldn't be any live animals!"
You hoped your best friend was right. You calmed yourself down, remembering there is such things as actors even though what the on the previous ride was horrifying and questionable if human. You give in because your best friend is right most of the time.
       You check for any fast passes for this ride but you don't have any. You have to wait in line for thirty minutes but that won't be a problem.
      You go on your phone. You check through a few text messages, move up one in line. Check social media, move up a little in line. Chat with your best friend a little, move up one in line. Thirty minutes seemed like five because before you knew it "next!" Was yelled by a young woman wearing fuzzy gloves in the shape of lion paws.
You got onto the ride and it begun. There was Simba and Nala animatronics. They seemed happy. Then a hyena killed Simba. Even though it was all fake, it wasn't very pleasing to see. They even had sounds of screaming! The end of the ride Nala was chewing on a lion cub's fur and Timon and Pumbaa proud of the crime they committed.
"What have we done!" You said to your best friend. "It's just day one! We have six more days to go!"
"I want to go home." Your best friend said, their face emotionless. You could tell that they where mentally scared. Images encrusted in your minds.
You started to question all that you have saw today. How is Dead End Disney still in business? How are you still sane? How are you going to survive six more days!? But the real question is, what's more terrifying. Snow White the demon and her seven little creatures from nightmares or Nala, Pumbaa and Timon going absolutely insane!

Dead End DisneyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ