Return To The Cinderella's Café

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Your best friend's stomach started to growl. "Let's eat!" You yelled trying to rush the day. You didn't desire to be here any longer. You spotted Cinderella's Café but that was a big red flag. You searched and searched, and even went in a circle, twice. It was no use. You had to go back to Cinderella's Café.
You walk in. You see Peach. "Why does Peach have to work today?" You ask yourself. She gave you a bittersweet smile that made you shiver with disgust. "Welcome back!" Peach said as she twirled in her lilac dress. Her hair was in a braid that lead to her right shoulder. Once again, she was wearing her favorite galaxy Converse.
She lead you and your best friend to the back of the restaurant, where she seated you. It seemed a little sketchy. "Why the back?" You said impolitely. Your best friend gave you a swift punch in the arm. "No other tables." Peach said, forcing a smile. That was a lie. There was quite a few empty tables. You brought a gun today at Dead End Disney. Ever since this morning you've been on top of your stuff.
You decided to actually look at the menu today, and not just memorize what was on the daily special. Today's special was the collar green soufflé. You weren't a big fan of collar greens. You look. Today you where in the mood for something light, but filling. You spot the Spinach and Strawberry salad. It has spinach instead of lettuce and it had sliced almonds, sliced strawberries, and honey drizzled on it. You thought it was perfect.
Peach came by with a appetizer, that you, nor your best friend ordered. "Second time visit special."
"Do you do this to everyone?" You asked, once again in a rude tone. "On their second visit yes!" Peach said, your rudeness not effecting her jolly mood. It was calamari. "I know you like seafood." She said, clearly to you. For some reason Peach's main focus was you. She acted like your best friend wasn't even there.
"What would you two like to drink?" Peach asked. "I would like a ice-"
"Water for both." You said interrupting your best friend while she wanted a iced tea. "Ok sweethearts!" Peach said as she walked away, hips swaying. You best friend frowned at you. "What if she was going to poison the drink! And also what if this is poised!" You said flailing your arms in the air. "She said its every second customer!"
"What if that's a lie! She already lied about the tables and we are in the back of the restaurant! Isn't that suspicious!" You said trying not to yell just in case Peach, or Pumpkin her sister heard. Your best friend nodded because you where right. She could of lied again, she already lied about the tables. And when you really think about it, the back of the restaurant is a good place to hide a crime, such as murder.
You tore though the calamari. Took the breaking off and ripped of pieces. You still didn't trust it, so you dumped it in the flower pot. "Really (F/n)! In the flower pot!" You best friend said about your stupid action. A few minutes later Peach came back with the drinks. "Wow, you guys are it all. You must be parched." Peach said smirking. That made your stomach drop. Your face also went pale as snow. It wasn't the words, it was the way Peach said it.
       "Drink it." You told Peach. "What?"
"Drink it." You said giving her a smirk. "You've been working so hard! You must be parched." Peach was shocked. "I-I couldn't do t-that!" Peach as, her stutter making you chuckle a little. "Then give it to your sister." You said. "No!" Peach screamed. You exchanged a look with your best friend. "We should get going now, we'll miss our fast pass." You said. It was just an excuse to leave. Before Peach could say, or do anything, you and your best friend left.
     "Let's leave Dead End Disney and go to a Wendy's or Burger King." You said to your best friend, "my treat." You held out your wallet. "Ok." Your best friend agreed. You still couldn't believe, Peach just tried to poison you. She gave you the calamari to make you thirsty and was late with the drinks on purpose so you'll drink up the poisoned water.

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