Jane's Freak Show

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Yesterday was sure full of "excitement". Your arm was still healing. Mulan got you good. You started to wonder "would an actor hurt me because I'm viewing the ride?" Everything at Dead End Disney was questionable.
You and your best friend slipped away in your car to Dead End Disney. The dreaded placed that is supposed to be where people can, "bond" and "have fun. You two walked around, viewing what to do.
        You and your best friend came across Jane's freak show. "Like this whole place isn't a freak show by itself." Your best friend said to you as you eyed the poster. The posters lead to a tent. Not a circus camp, but rather a camp that explorers and scientist use when they camp out for a period of time.
        You and your best friend walked inside the tent to find lots of people. It surprised you that all these innocent people haven't left already. "Lady's and gentlemen!" Jane started. She was wearing a dress made out of leopard skin and she was wearing a explorer hat. "I present to you, my freak show!"
      A large applause roared from the audience. She ripped off a cape of cloth that was covering a cage. There was, what looked to be an ape. If had the features and behavior of an ape, but there was something off about that ape. "Here is an normal ape." Jane started, gesturing to the ape. "But what happens when you inject some illegal chemicals into it?!" Jane said holding up a needle. It held a mixture of poisons and chemicals.
      Jane stuck the needle through the bars and poked the ape. She injected it into him. The ape spazzed and foamed at the mouth. The crowd went wild, except for you and your best friend. "What a cruel thing to do to such an innocent animal." You whispered to your best friend. Your best friend nodded. You hands where clammy and you shook watching the poor ape suffer.
      "Now, let's see what happens when the ape interacts with other apes!"  In went a female ape. He checked her out. He was very rough with the other ape. She didn't like it and when she showed rejection to the other ape's actions, he went ballistic and slaughtered the other ape.
        You sat in awe and the crowd  cheered. "Lunatics." Your best friend said, shaking their head. "Now, that didn't go too good. Let's try a human!" A man that was tied up was thrown in by two other men. He started screamed and the ape reacted swiftly. He ripped the man limb by limb and all you could do is watch in horror.
      "People stink!"
"The ape wins!"
"All for the ape!" Multiple voices in the crowd traveled across the tent. Jane bowed and a applause roared like earlier. You and your best friend slipped away with the crowd. What has humanity come to?

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