Cinderella Café

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You and your best friend where going to head to the hotel but your stomach started to rumble. You wondered how could you be hungry at a time like this! But a stomach wants what it wants. Your best friend looks at your abdomen as it rumbles in hunger. "Hungry much?" You nod at your friend.
After five more minutes of walking you see out of the corner of your eye,

Cinderella's Café
Weekly Special
Monday: Pumpkin Stew
Tuesday: Horse Steak with Potatoes
Wednesday: Fondue Maddness
Thursday: Collar Greens Soufflé
Friday: Chef's Choice
Saturday: Crab Cakes
Sunday: Vegetarian Chili

Everything except Tuesday didn't look that bad to you. You and your best friend walked in. A delicious aroma filled your noses. It was Wednesday, so you where glad that you missed yesterday's special. That place actually was kinda cute. At least something had to be good at Dead End Disney. The lighting was pumpkin shaped lanterns, the walls where tangerine. Chandeliers where hung above each table. Maple, wood floors.
A stunning waiter comes to your table. She is wearing a tan button up shirt and acid washed jean-shorts. Her shoes where galaxy converse. Her hair was strawberry blonde and it was in a messy bun. Her name tag said 'Peach'. "Hello, welcome to Cinderella's Cafè!" Her voice was light and sweet like angel cake. "Can I get you something to drink?"
"A pink lemonade please." You say to her smiling sweetly at her kindness. "A diet Pepper please." You best friend said, eyeing the menu. "Coming right up sweethearts!" Peach said as she exited.
Peach came back with you pink lemonade and your best friend's diet Pepper. A lemon was hugging the rim of your glass. "I love your name Peach, its unique."
"Thanks, me and my sis Pumpkin work here!" You wondered why a girl as sweet as Peach would work at Dead End Disney.
        "What would you like to eat sweethearts?" Peach asked getting out a notepad and a blue pen. "I'll take the crab cakes. No shells in them please, I know some have shells in them."
"We don't put shells in them but wouldn't you like to wait till Saturday?" Peach said as she scribbled on her notepad. "No thanks, I'm in the mood for a good crab cake." You said smiling, you just couldn't get over how sweet Peach was. "Well, I'll take today's special please. I enjoy me a good cheesy fondue!"  Your best friend said. Peach nodded as she scribbled. "Swiss, Cheddar, or Artichoke and Spinach fondue." Peach said as she paused for an answer. "I'll go with the Artichoke and Spinach, I love my vegetables."  Your best friend said with a thumbs up. With a quick "ok." Peach left to the kitchen to report the orders so they'll be made.
        After twenty minutes the food was ready. It actually looked pretty good! The crab cakes came with a side of lemon and melted butter to dip it in. Your best friend's fondue had chunks of bread to dip in it along with other veggies.
       After a good and well appreciated dinner, the bill came. It wasn't bad, it was $11.99. You and your best friend spilt the bill and left. Before you left the door Peach have you a look you'll never forget. Her eyes where wide, ear to ear smile. It wasn't something friendly and it made you feel threatened. Even though the food is amazing, you never want to eat there again.

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