Chapter 18-The Kiss

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Chapter 18-The Kiss

Brendon Kingston's POV

I clenched my fist as rage filled me at the thought of that wolf attacking Sydney. When I first saw her in that town before the Season, I assumed that she was weak and too soft for being the Luna of the European pack, but I was too selfish to let her out of my grasp. There was something about her that just pulled me in.

But after seeing her fight off the wolf from the clearing and remaining calm about it, I was greatly surprised and my perception of her had changed. I no longer saw her as the soft-willed meek chosen but someone who had a great deal of inner strength and toughness.

After all that she had been through, Sydney was still standing tall and strong. And I was proud of that. For her. I was wrong to assume that she would be like most of the she-wolves who fainted or panicked when bad things happened. Sydney? She fought for her rights and was stubborn and fighting till the very end.

Shouting and shrieking broke my thoughts and I sighed irritability. Why had I thought housing Sydney's siblings together in my home would be a good idea?

At first it was to get into Sydney's good graces but after awhile, I was glad for the companionship that a silent house could not give. Back then, both Sarah and Sean had a healthy dose of fear for me, but now that they lived together with me, that fear had disappeared. Sure they still respected me but at times it was hard to deal with them when they started arguing.

I groaned in annoyance as Sarah shouted angrily about how Sean was not respecting her as she was the eldest and whatnot while Sean retorted that age didn't matter as height trumps all.

I really contemplated to get them their own home on pack grounds and away from my house. It was only when I slammed my study door open that silence reigned once again.

I stalked into the living room where both siblings sat quietly with Sydney in between them with her arms crossed. "This has got to stop." I snarled angrily and glared at all three Carringtons.

Sydney shrugged and stood up and moved away from her siblings and entered the kitchen. I followed after her impatiently, "Sydney." I growled but softened my tone.

Sydney smothered a laugh as she looked at my face before pulling out a jar of ice cold water from the fridge and poured herself a glass.

"I'm sorry about them, but this is actually quite a daily occurrence. Besides, we all know why Sarah's a little grumpy. A certain beta isn't around for the past week." Sydney offered and Sarah yelled from the room, "I can hear you!"

I smirked inwardly, whatever charm Sarah was using on Rhett, it was working. I've never seen him chasing so hard after a girl before. It was quite refreshing for a change.

But my thoughts turned serious when I remembered why Rhett was gone for a week. He and a few other members were bound to be back later this week from the North American pack with two hostages. Hostages that would suffer till their last breath for hurting Sydney.

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