Chapter 26-The Evening

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A/N: Hi guys quick note here. The slightly mature scene in this chapter has been removed. You can view the private chapter in a book I have published just for restricted chapters. Called Down & Dirty. 


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Chapter 26-The Evening

Sydney Carrington's POV

I gently stroked the brush onto the canvas before stepping back to admire the half completed painting of my parents. It was Brendon's idea to paint a portrait of my parents and I thought it was a really good idea. I sighed before gazing at the photo a little longingly.

It had been two days since Kyle was found out to be the culprit behind everything. Unfortunately, he had claimed that he wasn't the one planning everything.

Brendon and Rhett claimed to think he was lying but I knew better. Kyle didn't seem afraid of dying, it was as if he was waiting for something while being locked in the jail cell. I wasn't exactly a hundred percent sure thus I had not brought the issue up with anyone.

To be honest, I was a little afraid of the upcoming storm. I believed Kyle when he had said that he wasn't behind everything. He was more of a follower than a leader and also, he didn't have the brains to plan everything so perfectly detailed.

It was because of Kyle's oversight that caused him to be caught. But whatever was going to happen, I would be prepared. For the past almost five months that I've been here, I've grown up a little more.

Now, I was a little more cautious and wary of people. But that didn't mean I lost my faith in them, it just made me more cautious of who I trusted because being Luna of the European pack, it wasn't going to be easy or safe and I knew it.

It was a little ironic when I thought about it. Before, when I was Will, I had been worried if I would be able to handle being the mate to a beta. But now, I was already the Luna of the most powerful pack and I was getting on well.

While Brendon went on to investigate everything about his cousin, I would help out with the orphanage, the different communities around the pack and a little bit of Brendon's work when he was too busy.

It was quite refreshing to be needed and appreciated for once in my twenty years other than my family members of course. And it felt amazing to be quite independent on my own and treated as Brendon's equal.

Looking back, you could say I was a little ashamed for how silly and ridiculous I had been. But I was glad that I had grown up a little.

A voice cleared and I looked up to see my handsome mate watching me with a silver gleam in his eyes. I gave him a bright grin, "Hey."

Brendon wordlessly walked towards me before wrapping his arms around my waist and leaned his chin on my shoulder as he studied the uncompleted painting. "Hi." He murmured in my ear before pressing a kiss on my cheek.

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