Chapter 34-The End

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Chapter 34-The End

Sydney Carrington's POV

"So, what gender do you think my niece or nephew is?" Sarah questioned as she sipped from her soda.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'm hoping it's gonna be a boy." Sarah raised an eyebrow before nodding. "Hmmm, a mini Brendon Kingston? Sure, why not?"

I barked out a laugh before throwing a piece of popcorn her way. "What's wrong with that? Besides, did you say yes?"

Sarah turned her gaze towards me suspiciously. "What do you mean by that? Wait did you know he was going to ask me?"

I snorted and shot her a knowing glance. "Yes. Of course. I mean I obviously helped him. So did you say yes?"

Sarah gave me a grin. "Of course. I love him. Even though he can be such a dork. But yeah, I agreed. We'll be taking part in the season next year. I know that we've been together for like less than a year but I don't think I'll ever meet anyone just like him." She admits with a shy grin.

I couldn't help but smile along with her as Sarah started blushing. "Well, congratulations! Rhett is clearly head over heels for you."

Sarah snorted and grinned. "He better be and I think we'll get along fine if he doesn't shoot me with a water gun in my sleep again." I burst out into laughter while Sarah shot me a scowl but failing.

We lapsed into comfortable silence as the music from the movie played out. At the corner of my eye, I glanced at my sister inconspicuously before shifting my attention to the screen.

A month had passed since everything happened and I wondered frequently how was Sarah and Sean dealing with our mother's death (again).

When they had learned the news, Sean was emotionless while Sarah teared up a little. In no time at all, they were fine and going about their daily lives as if nothing had happened.

For me, I was alright but I still mourned the loss of my mother. Maybe the difference between my siblings and I was that I had seen my mother's death with my own eyes. And I was also glad that it was me that had experienced that because had it been Sarah or Sean, they wouldn't have coped as well.

Peering at Sarah once again, I cleared my throat before raising the remote to mute the movie. Feeling Sarah's questioning stare on me, I sighed before starting. "I- Sarah, how are you honestly? I mean you've never said anything about mom passing." I questioned quietly.

Sarah tensed at the subject before sighing heavily and ran her hands through her hair. "Sydney, I can't say that I would miss her. She abandoned us and left us to to fend for ourselves. I resent her for that. I had to work so hard to take care of all of us. I'm not saying I hate you and Sean for the life we have. But I hate her for it and I love you guys because you and Sean are one of the most important people in my life."

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