Chapter 33-The Mourning

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Chapter 33-The Mourning

Sydney Carrington's POV

"We are here today together as a pack to mourn the loss of Cara Kingston, friend to all, sister to our esteemed Alpha and Luna, and is cherished and loved. And to also mourn the death of Thomas Johnson, Leader of the West area, a loving husband, a doting father and a wise and responsible leader to the people in the West." The minister spoke softly and I shifted slightly in my black dress.

Beside me, Brendon was tensed and held onto my hand tightly, our fingers were intertwined and he was staring at the caskets in front of us with a blank expression on. I knew he wanted to break down but he couldn't. Not in front of the whole pack.

He had an image to uphold after all and breaking down would show to others that he was weak.

Brendon and I, along with my siblings and Rhett and the other three leaders were on the stage with Cara's body along with the vicar.

It had turned out that the other man who was killed when Brendon was attacked was the West leader, not Rhett. Brendon hadn't mentioned to me that he was expecting some sort of attack and as a result, he had informed Rhett that if any unusual circumstance occurred, he was to get the Alpha King to come to our aid.

Rhett and the royal army that had been sent by the King had been too late to save Cara and my mother, along with the West leader but luckily, they had been on time to stop the mutiny that had been arising and had captured the rest of Nora's men.

"Let us now light the candles." The vicar called out and the crowd which was filled with darkness was soon lit up by thousands of candles. I slowly lit mine and passed the flame to Brendon's candle.

The pack members would then proceed to walk passed the caskets and lay down white lilies while holding their lit candles.

The candle symbolised life and light. It was like a celebration of the life that the deceased had lived. The white lilies symbolised the pureness and innocence of the deceased. And the act of placing the lilies on the caskets was a sign of respect.

Brendon looked at me, his grey eyes gleamed with sadness and anguish before facing front. "Let us proceed with the ceremony." The vicar announced and the music started. The sound of haunting violins sounded out and the choir sang a low hymn.

The pack members proceeded and slowly, each stepped up onto the platform and lay a white lily on both Cara and Thomas' caskets before walking away.

As Alpha and Luna, our jobs were to stand there until everyone had placed their lilies while comforting Thomas' family members. When everyone had placed their lilies, Brendon and I would do so and then we would lead the caskets to be buried in the pack cemetery.

Brendon intertwined our fingers tighter as the ceremony went on. I could sense that he was still grieving and blaming himself terribly for the loss of Cara. I too was mourning her and the death of my mother.

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