Chapter 22

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The afternoon greeted Olivia with a rubber ball filled gym lesson, in which she was already covered in red marks and bruises from the force of the balls hitting her. It seemed like some people – three people in particular – really had it in for her and were going out of their way to make sure she was hit more than anyone else in the class.

But just before the class ended, and when Olivia had just started to be thankful that she had managed to escape the class without any serious injuries, a ball came flying in her direction, there was suddenly a huge pain in her nose and she fell to the floor, blood streaming down her face until she could taste the bitterness in her mouth. She lay there, stunned, unsure of what to do next as the pain throbbed, spreading throughout her nose.

She heard Coach Damon blow the whistle and the gradual cease of the noise of the rubber balls bouncing on the polished floor of the sports hall, as she came rushing over to inspect the damage.

It wasn’t difficult to guess which direction that ball had come from. And sure enough, when she turned her head, she was standing there, tossing her blonde curls over her shoulder and turning the corner of her lip upwards in a smug smile.

"That looks pretty bad," Coach Damon said, which was a phrase that did not often leave her mouth. Usually, if anyone hurt themselves in her classes, they were just told to ‘walk it off’, even if they were writhing on the floor in pure agony. A lot of people attempted to get out of gym class, but with a teacher as strict as her, this was unlikely. "It doesn’t look like it’s broken, but you should go see the nurse to get that cleaned up."

The walk to the nurse’s office was short, but involved walking through the school grounds in order to get to the main building. She shuffled as quickly as she could across the path, clutching her bleeding nose tightly and hoping she wasn’t visible to anyone in the nearby classrooms.

The nurse, whom she’d never met before, was a petite blonde woman called Miss Allen, who looked as if she’d only just graduated, with flawless skin and a figure to die for. She certainly didn’t seem like the typical ‘school nurse’ type – she was hot, and it was easy to see why so many guys were always looking for an excuse to get out of class and see her.

She was kind too, and looked at Olivia’s bloody nose sympathetically when she entered the room.

"Dodge ball?" she asked, gesturing for Olivia to take a seat on the couch. Olivia nodded as she hopped on. "Yeah, I’ve had like three of those this week. Guess Coach Damon likes to play rough, huh?"

"No kidding." Olivia winced as the nurse dabbed at her sore nose with a tissue. It took a while, but once she had finished and Olivia had held a tissue to her nostril for a few minutes, the bleeding had ceased and she looked kind of normal again – aside from the bruising that was sure to get worse in a couple of hours. The sight of her turning up to school with a blackened nose would no doubt make Alyssa happy.

"Would it be totally wrong if I just stuck around here until the end of class?" Olivia asked, after glancing at the wall clock and realising that there were only ten minutes left until the end of the school day. Time sure went quickly when you were in pain, and she really didn’t feel like returning to a class she would only have to catch up on anyway. After her traumatic ordeal (almost), all she wanted to do was go home and avoid all further sightings of Alyssa and her pathetic cronies.

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