Chapter 49

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Hello! Another chapter for you all :) Totally forgot I was meant to upload yesterday, woopsie! But anyway, here it is. Hope you like it! :D BIG DRAMA in this one, woo!


"So..." said Olivia, as they filed into the school’s giant main hall and took their seats near the back. "Election day, huh?"

Monday morning had finally arrived, and after two weeks of intense campaign promotion, tensions were running at an all-time high. Every student had been given the morning off schedule to attend the assembly, in which both candidates would make their speeches and seize last-minute votes. After the speeches were finished, voting would be officially open and the members of the new student government would be announced a few days later.

"I bet Courtney’s crapping herself," Chelsie stated, looking over the sea of heads to focus on the stage, which was decorated with banners in the school’s colours. A large podium stood in the centre, the school logo plastered noticeably on the front, ready and waiting for Alyssa and Courtney to begin slating each other behind it.

"I wouldn’t be so sure," Fred said, with a dismissive shrug. "Alyssa’s not so confident now. I think she realises that Courtney might actually stand a chance at beating her."

"Well, we’ll see." Olivia turned over the flyer in her hands, which had been placed tactfully on her chair by Alyssa’s campaign team. The A5-size piece of paper was neon pink, and brandished the words ‘Vote Alyssa’ clearly in the centre of the page. There was also a beaming photo of the candidate on the front, too obviously photo-shopped, holding up a cupcake in her right hand and smiling sweetly.

Urgh, she thought, as she folded up the flyer. Does she really think stuff like this will get people to vote for her? Especially after spending two whole years with the girl, a good photo of her smiling and offering free cupcakes would not make up for the evil bitch she had been to everyone for their entire high school life.

The hall was filling up rapidly, and in a matter of minutes it was heaving with students, all dressed in the same drab uniforms that they saw every day. Some of the more senior members of staff had taken their seats at the back of the stage, and Mr Delmar was already ascending the steps to get onto the stage.

As he arrived at the podium, tapping the microphone loudly with his finger to get the students’ attention, he inhaled and began to speak. "Good morning, students. As I am sure you are all aware, today is the day of voting for your new student government."

There were a few mindless whoops and cheers from various Alyssa/Courtney supporters on the front row, which earned them disapproving glares from Mr Delmar.

"Now, the student government plays a very important role in the decisions of the school. They have the power to take many issues to the senior staff, and very often are successful in changing various aspects of the school curriculum, uniform..."

His monotone voice droned on and on for at least five minutes, until he finally recognised the dull expressions plastered on every student’s face as boredom, and got the hint. "As you all know, we have two candidates running for the extremely highly regarded title of student body president. They are Alyssa Taylor and Courtney Powell."

There was a mixed reaction of both whoops and jeers after each name, mostly originating from their friends near the front row, gaining them a second glare from Mr Delmar.

"And without further ado, please welcome your first candidate... Alyssa Taylor." He nodded towards the wings of the stage, before stepping away from the podium and settling down into his seat alongside the other senior staff members. Seconds after his introduction, Alyssa strutted out onto the stage, as confidently as ever.

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