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part ten,
08:57- ;

When I woke up, Hansol was still deep in his slumber, facing me as light snores fell from his lips. I sit up abruptly in the bed, last night catching up on me as I gripped my head in my hand. I take another glance at Hansol, taking in his peaceful state. I instantly find myself staring at his soft scruffy hair, his mouth slightly open as light snores poured out and the way his nose was slightly scrunched together.  Regaining myself and standing up slowly I made my way down the corridor to the kitchen.

If I was being honest I didn't remember how I ended up at Hansol's. I wracked my memory but the only thing I could remember was Woozi telling me that my drink was already opened. The thought of not remembering anything started to dawn on me.

I sat down on the bar stool after grabbing myself a glass of water, pulling out my phone to see no missed calls or texts. I instantly start freaking out when I see that it was eleven am, Father would soon find out that I wasn't home and then I'd be screwed. I was about to get up and leave when a sleepy Hansol makes his way into the kitchen, his sweatshirt rising up with his stretching. He freezes when he sees me and I notice something flash across his eyes. His hair was a wild mess like I remembered it to be yesterday, his shirt crinkled with sleep.

"Oh Hana, you're still here" he said in his deep morning voice that made my insides turn. Although the tone in his voice was different, almost nervous and I couldn't put my finger on why.

"Yeah of course why wouldn't I be" I laugh, taking another sip from my water. He looked like he was about to say something important when he stops himself.

"Wait, what do you remember from last night? You got pretty drunk" he rubs the back of his neck, grabbing himself a glass of water, taking a seat beside me as he plays with his glass in a nervous matter.

"Only getting to the party, I don't even know how I got here," I start, when the same strange look covers his face again making me question what exactly I did, "why? did I do something wrong?" He laughs a bit, sending me a sleepy grin when he sees my scared expression before turning his head forward again, I faintly notice a sad look appear in his eyes.

"No you didn't do anything wrong, you did everything right. I picked you up from the party when you spontaneously texted me" I groan and lay my head in my arms, what exactly did I do whilst I was intoxicated. Hansol pulls out his phone and shows me the text I sent him, making me cover my face as an embarrassed blush crept upon me.

"That's so embarrassing" my voice muffled from my hands as I peek my eyes through the gaps between my fingers. Hansol laughs at my embarrassed state, teeth showing as he stares at me with the same look in his eyes that I saw before. Peeling my hands away from my face, we stare at each other for a second too long, making us abruptly turn out heads away to look at our glasses.

"I should probably drop you at Joshua's so you can grab your car" Hansol coughs into his fist as I stand up quickly, rushing into Hansol's room to collect my stuff, "Holy shit I forgot the time" I call as I rummage around for my stuff. I grab my top in my hands, putting on the bandage skirt underneath Hansol's large orange sweatshirt, heels in hand I make my way back to the kitchen.

"Leggo" Hansol calls, flipping his keys in his hands as we make our way back to his infamous Jeep. We drive in a comfortable silence, neither of us having anything to say. Not too long later we pull up outside Joshua's trashed mansion, I instantly spot my car at the front, thankfully unharmed.

"Thanks again for picking me up Hansol, I owe you one" I grab his face in my hands and place a quick thank-you peck on his cheek, grabbing my stuff and hopping out. "See ya!" I called before shutting the car door, making my way to my own car. I take one more glance at Hansol to see him sitting still in the drivers seat of his car, a noticeable red blush across his face. I chuckle to myself and start the car, making my way to the Park mansion where I would have to face my father.

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