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part twenty,
13:26- ;

A groan ran through Bora's apartment, causing me to raise my head from my phone as I laid on the couch.

"What the h-" I turned around to look at her in the kitchen, looking down at her own phone, stopping her from cooking dinner.

"He called me again Hana!" She cried out and I instantly knew who she was talking about, looking down at the brown suede couch I turned my body in her direction as she continued.

"You need to talk to him, he won't stop calling me and it's starting to get really frustrating" running a hand over my face I groaned as well, flopping down on the couch to try and run away from my responsibilities.

"I'm serious Hana, it's not my job to call him" she lectured me, and I honestly wanted to hit her in the face for it, she didn't understand how I was feeling right now.

"It's been a week for gods sa-"

"Okay Bora, I get it, it's just hard!"
I backfired a little too harshly, watching as her face dropped in defeat and sadness at my cool tone. Stressfully I got up from the couch, going to but some shoes on and grab my bag.

"Where are you going?" She asked, walking out of the kitchen in her apron when I was opening the door to leave.

"I'm just going to get some groceries, it's my turn to cook tomorrow night." With a nod Bora let me leave silently, the cold winter air of Gangnam blowing past me, making me shove my hands deep in my pockets.

When the supermarket came into view after my short journey, I walked that little bit faster, eager to get away from the cold outside.

It was warm inside, the temperature making my cold red nose return to normal instantly as I grabbed a shopping basket.

Walking into different isles I grabbed what I needed, walking into the last idle to grab some ice-cream to make me feel better and treat myself. Just as I had walked into the isle I collided with a hard chest, making my nose numb with the sudden impact.

"I'm so sorry" the voice said as I tore my body away from theirs. Looking up I come face to face with someone I hadn't seen in awhile and they obviously thought the same thing.

"Long time no see Hana" they smile kindly, something I remembered about them.

"You too Joshua" I returned the smile, greatly missing Joshua and his kind appearance. He pulled me by my elbow away from the path, leaning against one of the empty walls at the back of the small supermarket.

"How have you been?" He asked, the smile and squinted eyes not leaving his face as he studied me. I shrugged, wondering if he knew anything about what happened.

"Things have been a little hectic for me lately" I replied, taking my bottom lip between my teeth as he shifted against the wall.

"Yeah college has been keeping me up a lot."

"You go to college?" I asked astonished, knowing that he was older than us but not that much older. He nodded proudly, as if people asked him that a lot.

"Listen Hana-" I cut him off with a confused expression, why did his tone in voice change all of a sudden. He was silent for a few moments, as if contemplating on saying more. Te light patter of rain could be heard from outside and I instantly cursed in my mind, knowing that I will have to walk to Bora's in the rain.

"You know Hansol is crazy about you right?" His words made my eyes widen and my heart beat that little bit faster without me knowing. I knew he liked me, he admitted that to me but I didn't know the liked me that much.

"What, really-"

"Yeah," Joshua laughed, "he won't stop talking about you. Ever since he tutored you that first time I remember him coming over to the dorm being like 'she's so nice, so pretty, so funny'"my heart was beating fast and I didn't know if that was a good thing or not.

"He told me what happened last week as well." His expression dropped slightly, probably knowing that Hansol was torn about this, especially since he has tried to call me so much. "Hana, he's trying okay, he's never really had a girlfriend before and he fell hard for you. Just give him a chance, I can't control what you do but he's been locked away in his room for days now and I can hear the repetitive noise from voicemail every time I come over."

My heart sank a bit, I didn't know I had that much of an effect on him. I started to feel sorry, started to feel like a coward. I regretted not staying and talking over everything with Hansol and Jeonghan, life would've been much easier now if I had did so.

"Well, thanks Joshua. I'll keep all of this in mind" and with a nod of his head he turned around and continued to do his shopping, not saying a full goodbye because he knew this wasn't the last time I would run into him.

Sighing heavily I carried my basket to the checkout. Wanting to just get this over with so I could return home quickly, while the rain was light and not heavy.

When I had payed, and grabbed all my bags I made my way outside, unhappy to he back in the cold, now wet air.

Although the rain allowed me to clear my mind and I found myself thinking. If I got so giddy over the mention of Hansol and him mentioning me, did I like him back?

All this time I had been on and off with my feelings, but that was only because I had things holding me back. In reality I liked being around Hansol and at the word of him, I got butterflies that I never noticed until now.

And I had to come to the conclusion that...

I had fallen for Hansol.

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