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part twelve,
13:30- ;

"Bora, I told you I don't want to go" I groan as Bora drags me by the arm down the street. The last thing I expected to see when I rolled over in bed this morning was her face staring right back at me, she then forced me out of bed and told me we were leaving straight away. Thus why we were making our way down the street, her dragging me to some shop that she needed to go to.

"Hana, Hun, you've been in your room for days mourning, you need to see sunlight" she stops turning around and placing her hands on my shoulders, staring at me in the eyes.

"I haven't been mourning" I scoff at her, crossing my arms over my chest as I glare at her, "whatever you say" she mumbles, rolling her eyes and continues walking.

"Where are we even going?" I run to catch up with her, realizing that I had no idea where I was going and for all I knew Bora was going in the wrong direction as to where she wanted to go.

"I need to go to the music shop, it's my brothers birthday coming up and he wants this new album, I don't know" she replied turning to look at me for a second before turning her eyes back to the street, scanning the street signs. I sigh and follow a foot behind her.

"We aren't lost are we?" I hesitantly ask, not knowing if I wanted to hear the answer or not.

"Of course not Hana, just, chill a bit" sending me a look of sympathy over he shoulder she grabs my arm again and continues to drag me down the street. Not too long after we stop at a small music store, looking like something that you would see in those old movies. Looking from the store to the map on her phone and back up again Bora mutters a quick "well this is it."

"And we couldn't have just gone to a normal music shop because?"

"This is the only one that stocks it, it's limited edition or some shit" she smirks at me rolling her eyes and walking inside as I follow. The store is as small as it looks, a few rows scattered with thousands of CD's and on the other side are racks of various records. Apart from an old man rustling through the piles of albums in the sale section, the store is empty, not even an employee is visible.

"Where do we start?" I mutter under my breath to myself, following Bora as she walks into a random isle, scanning the shelves as she points to the different music genres.

"What exactly is he looking for?" I ask, rubbing my finger over the dusty albums, instantly making my fingers turn a slight grey. Bora takes out her phone again, showing me a picture of an album by a band I had never heard of before, "he wants the limited edition though" she rolls her eyes, going back to looking at the number of shelves.

"Is this it?" I ask, kneeling down and picking up a dusty CD of the same band she showed me, kneeling down next to me she takes it from my hands and examines it.

"No I think this is an old one" putting it back on the shelf she runs her hands through her hair, letting out a sigh.

"What about this one?" I lift another up, turning to around to show her. Shaking her head she groans, sitting down on the floor, "for the hundredth time Hana it's the limited edition one" I mutter an apology under my breath going back to scan the shelves.

"Do you guys need any help?" A deep voice calls behind us making me grin in happiness that we didn't have to find the piece ourselves anymore.

"Yes" I called the same time Bora calls "No", I give her a glance out of the side of my eye, turning around my smile drops as I kneel before Hansol, his hair scruffy as he wears his work uniform. Having the same reaction we stare at each other, our mouths tight in a straight line.

"Okay fine, I'm trying to find-" Bora starts, turning around "Oh Hansol hey! I didn't know you worked here..." her sentence dropping as she looks between us like a tennis match. Quickly removing my eyes away from his I stand up, dusting off the back of my black jeans as Bora does the same.

"Well I'm trying to find this" holding up her large phone Bora shoves it in Hansol's face as he scans it quickly. "It's over here" he turns out of the isle, going to the front counter and pulling it from a display.

"Thank you Hansol! My brother is going to love this." Bora smiles widely as she pays for the album, seeming to have forgotten about the awkward tension between Hansol and I. As Hansol turns around to grab a bag for the CD, Bora turns to me with a mischevious glint in her eyes and an evil smirk on her face, sending her a confused look she returns back to normal as Hansol hands her the bag.

"Thanks, hey can you drop Hana home for me, I really have to get going" pursing my lips at her words i send her a death glare, hoping she could hear the profanities I was yelling at her in my head. She didn't discuss with me a certain time she had to go back. Sending me the same evil look that practically shouted "now's your time" I stood with my teeth gritted. I should've told her how bad the situation really was, it really would've helped the awkward situation we where in right now.

"Uh sure, you'll just have to sit down over here for a half an hour until my shift finishes" rubbing the back of his neck he gabbed his thumb behind him, indicating the tall wooden stool behind the counter. "Bora!" I whisper-yelled after I finally found my voice. Grabbing me by the shoulders she looked me in the eyes.

"I'm really sorry Hana" she says half-heartedly, sending me a wink before gripping the plastic bag containing the CD, and rushing out of she shop. I dared to take a side glance at Hansol to see him leaning against his elbows on the counter, looking out the door where Bora just left.

"Uh, okay you can just take a seat over here" extending his arm he ushered me to the wooden stool behind the counter. I walked quietly, placing myself on the stool as I watched him turn around and lean against the counter to look at me.

"I'm sorry" I muttered quietly, in which he raised an eyebrow, clearing my throat I spoke louder. "I'm sorry that I got you fired, it's eating me alive and all I want to do is go back in time and not do the things I did" I sighed, running my hands through my hair in frustration, Hansol also lets out a long sigh, hanging his head low as he stares at the floor.

"That makes two jobs I lost in the last week" he muttered quietly, I was probably not meant to hear his words, but I did.

"Hansol I'm so-"

"No Hana you just don't realize, you get everything handed to you on a silver platter and I'm here working my ass off, only on one job now to earn the smallest amount of money that doesn't even pay off my rent." He sounded a mixture of angry and upset, bringing his head up again to gaze at me in eyes, every word he spoke hitting me in the chest causing my heart to ache. I didn't have anything else to say as I stood there surprised by his sudden outburst.

The music store was almost silent, the only thing that could be heard was the same old man who was humming a tune, examining an album he pulled out of the sale section. The silence was cut short as Hansol slammed his fist onto the flimsy counter top in frustration, the sound echoing through the small shop and causing the old man to drop the Seo Taiji CD. Flinching at his attitude I rose from my seat and backed away, I had made him beyond angry and the best thing I could do was leave.

"I'll just find my way home" I muttered, feeling my throat become tight and my chest start to swell. To be honest I didn't even know my way home, but I couldn't be around Hansol anymore, I couldn't make him anymore angry than he already was.

"Yeah, maybe you should" he spat as I made my way out, swallowing back any signs of tears, not being able to get the image of Hansol so frustrated and crippled out of my mind. Although when I arrived home, part of me wished I stayed with Hansol, so that I didn't need to face the terror that was about to come.

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