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part fifteen,
07:20- ;

I was awake, but my eyes stayed closed. I steadied my breathing so from the outside I was perceived to be asleep.

I didn't know why but I felt content.

Hansol didn't realize I was awake as he ran his hand softly through the delicate strands of hair on the side of my face. My chest started bubbling with an unfamiliar feeling that made me extremely giddy inside. I had a sense of deja vu come upon me, laying in bed with Hansol in a way that made me slightly giddy, I couldn't put my finger on why.

One of his arms was wrapped tightly around my waist holding me close, the other soothing the hair behind my ear. Our legs tangled in a wild mess as my hands rested amongst his chest.

I had only known Hansol for around two months but in that small amount of time I had grown immensely close to him and now I feel like I could trust him with anything, I know it's cheesy but I found myself the happiest and I had ever been with this boy, I felt free with him, and it took me until now to realize.

"You're not very good at acting asleep" he spoke in his husky morning voice, I grinned a little, rolling out of his arms and more onto my side of the bed as I opened my eyes, rubbing the remains of sleep away. A shudder of awkwardness fell upon me, but vanished as quickly as it came, I didn't even realize he knew I was awake.

With a yawn I sat up in bed, the sheets crowding at my thighs. Running a hand through my hair to tame the strands I finally looked over at Hansol, and if my heart wasn't racing before it was now.

He laid on my bed with the sheets laying delicately on his waist, one of his arms was under his pillow, supporting his head while the other was extended in front of him, the arm that was around my body before. His body was angled towards me, his shirt rising up with sleep to expose the creamy skin underneath as his sweatpants came undone and hanged loosely around him. Eyes barely open with a gaze of some sort that I couldn't recognize, he grinned at me with his perfect straight teeth, and I couldn't help but mirror his grin.

Then it was if something clicked inside of me, as if reality clicked inside of me. Standing up beside my bed in a hurry and fixing the sheets I motioned for Hansol to stand up as well. Lazily and slowly he stood up, rubbing his eyes in which were still slightly puffy from the events last night.

"My father will be awake soon" I whispered worriedly, walking over to his side of the bed and past him to make the other end of the bed. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist as he places his head on my shoulder, "just relax, he won't notice I'm here".

Spinning out of his arms I crinkled my eyebrows in stress, fixing the last corner of the bed.

"I can't relax Hansol, you know what my father is capable of doing" I bit my lip as Hansol rolls his eyes slightly, sitting down to put on his shoes.

"I don't care if he sees me, I can't just not see you" he says, face turning a slight pink colour as he concentrates on his shoe laces.

"What do you mean?" I ask sitting on my bed, did it also pain Hansol that much to not be around each other? Hansol is quiet for a moment before he shakes his head, looking up at me with smiley eyes and a large grin. A fake grin.

"Don't worry" he laughs, finishing off his shoe lace and standing up, flattening out his sweatpants and taking a seat beside me on the bed.

"Sorry for the way I acted last night, I overreacted" Hansol says quietly, bringing a hand up to rub the back of his neck. I turn to face him, softening my eyes as I look at his upset expression.

"Don't be sorry Hansol" sending him a smile of sympathy I got up off the bed and over to the window. Using all of my strength I pushed it up, letting it sit in place. Hansol stands up as well, walking slowly to stand opposite of me, leaning against the wall.

I find myself laughing at his extremely messy hair, in which was even more scruffy than usual. I laugh as I reach my hand up to ruffle the strands between my fingers and he giggles as well.

"I'll find you another job" I bring my hand back to let it hang loosely beside me. At the mention of jobs Hansol's face drops slightly, making my heart snap in two as I watch him find me his lip between his teeth. He moves in front of the window, reaching his foot up to place it on the sill, using his hands to stabilize himself.

"When's the next time I'll see you" he asks, face rising ever so slightly as I cross my arms over my chest, changing the weight from foot to foot.

"I'm not sure" I reply honestly, Hansol wasn't my tutor anymore, who knows when I would see him next. I watch the brunette as he places his other foot on the sill, taking a short jump to the large tree branch parallel to my window. Expertly he clutches on tightly, supporting himself easily.

"I'll text you, it's about time we had another adventure" I don't get a chance to reply as he slides down the tree effortlessly.

I can't keep the stupid grin off of my face as I shut my window, and it stays in place as I walk out of my room, down the stairs and it doesn't leave when I enter the kitchen, leaning on my palms on the marble counter. Lynn sends me a silly look, probably thinking I'm inside as she places a few waffles on a plate in front of me.

As if on cue my father walks into the room, clutching a newspaper under his arm as he moves stiffly in his crisp suit, in which is basically the only thing he wears. My head perks up in his presence, posture straightening and my grin deflating as I take another bite of the sugary goodness.

"Morning Hana" he nods formally, taking a seat on the bar stool like he does every morning, of every day, of every month.

"I got a question, Father" I ask, taking a seat beside him. My palms began to sweat and my heart beat increased with nerves as I stated upon the man I called my father. He nods in response, seeming too engrossed in his paper to care about my presence.

"I need to get a job for my, uh, friend" I ask, looking down at my fiddling hands. A father daughter relationship shouldn't involve nerves, it should be filled with love, and this relationship lacked it deeply.

"It depends who it's for Hana" with a long sigh he replies, I bite my lip contemplating on wether I should stay and help Hansol, or leave to my room embarrassed. I choose the first option.

"Hansol" I reply, sinking in my seat as I feel beads of sweat form on my forehead from the rooms reaction.

Father focuses his eyes in front of him, clutching his paper tightly as he places it delicately in front of him, too relaxed for my liking. I hear his loud gulp and my eyes focus on Lynn who places her dirty cloth beside her, eyes perking up as she pretends not to listen.

"In no way, shape or form am I going to help some man who forced himself on my daughter, that boy should be on his knees begging that I didn't call the cops"

The room was silent.

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