Chapter 4

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Brandon's POV

"Callie! Hurry up!" I shouted at the door leading to the bathroom.

I heard her scream back, "Shut up! I'm trying to brushing my teeth!"

I rolled my eyes, and waited at the door until I heard her gurgle water and spit it out.

"You done?" I asked, annoyance leaking through my tone.

She swung open the door only to fall back surprised by the distance between our faces, which wasn't much at all.

I helped her up as she glared at me.

"Personal space, Foster." She grumbled, but her voice was shaky.

I smirked, secretly glad I made her nervous as I finally took my place in the bathroom after Mariana, Jesus, Jude and Callie had all used the bathroom.

I stripped down and turned the shower knob to hot. I waited for a few moments and stepped into the shower.

I couldn't feel anything, all my senses went numb and my brain refused to think for me. After a few moments standing under the steady stream of water I finally comprehended the temperature of the water.

It was fucking FREEZING.

I screamed. "COLD!"

I heard all the chatting downstairs freeze and everything became silent.

I quickly jumped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel, shivering.


"So no hot water, huh?" Callie walked beside me laughing.

I whipped around and glared at her, "It was freezing, like it's probably what the North Pole feels like." I screeched.

She laughed at my "overreaction" and walked off to her first class as the warning bell sounded.


I spent most of the day in a bad mood, always ranting to whoever I could. Everyone basically ignored me. But seriously this is technically a first world problem.

Like I'm the oldest...I think. Maybe Callie is? But whatever I'm one of the oldest and that means I have seniority over the young ones and that means the older one should get to use the bathroom first.

I thought this through and decided I should run this through my moms'.

As I walked home trailing behind everyone else, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Jude.

"I'm sorry about this morning..." He mumbled guiltily.

I smiled at him, now feeling guilty on making him feel guilty.

"It's okay bud, it's not really a big deal." I lied, convincingly.

He grinned up at me, "Thanks Brandon!"

I ruffled his hair, he was definitely the most polite 7th grader I've ever met. He never talked back to anyone. And the worst thing he ever said to someone was probably "you're bossy." And that's not even bad. Considering he's like 13 or something.

Huh, I remember when I was 13, I was a little goody two shoes, always getting straight A's, always doing my homework and never breaking the rules.....

I'm sort of the exact same now....

As I was lost in thought, I felt another light tap on my shoulder. I jolted back into reality and peeked over to my right to see Jude looking up at me.

He looked up at me again, his eyes wide.

"What's up?" I questioned him.

He hesitated for a bit before answering my question. "Do you like Callie?"

My jaw dropped open. Where did that come from....?

"Whaaaaat?" I asked my voice incredulous.

He repeated his question, "Do you like Callie? Because I see you guys always talking to eachother and you also broke up with Talya because if what Callie told I was wondering."

I gave him the what-are-you-talking-about look.

"Who told you I broke up with Talya?" I asked him suspiciously, because I'm sure I haven't made this public yet.

He smiled, a smirk, but not quite. He was just too innocent.

"I heard." He replied simply.

I raised my eyebrows and stopped, waiting for more detail but he just stopped, just as I did and waited.

"How did you 'hear' this information...?" I pressed further.

He shrugged his shoulders innocently and smiled, that little kid smile that makes you in suspicious of anything they do.

"So do you?" Jude asked again.

"" I stated.

After that one word was spoken a sense of guilt rushed through me. I don't like I?

No. I can't. That's not even possible.

Then why am I feeling so damn guilty? I'm not I?

No. No. No. No.

You. Don't. Like. Callie.


I shook my head, attempting to shake all the conflicting thoughts out of my head and I smiled at Jude.

He nodded his head as if accepting my answer but I could tell he didn't really believe me.

I walked in silence the whole way home pondering the question Jude had asked me the entire time.

As I walked through the front door I heard Mariana "fangirling" (as she calls it) about some boyband called...One Direction?

I rolled my eyes at Mariana's squealing about the lasted gossip on them.

The funny thing was how Callie would listen to Mariana's incessant gossip and how she would just laugh at the ridiculous rumors she told her.

Her laugh was really cute. It was musical, sounding as if someone was playing a note on the piano.


Wait what? Nononoononono. Her laugh is normal you idiot.

Why are you acting like this? You don't like her.

But I know I do.



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I love talking with my MESSSAGE ME!!!!! I WANNA TALK TO YOU GUYS!!!!!!


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xoxo Hannah

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